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[英]Countdown It does not Work with click button

我有一個簡單的問題。 當時間從 30 分鍾重新開始時,我想讓此代碼與重置時間按鈕一起工作,刪除(你准備好了!)並開始時間

var seconds = 30;
function secondPassed() {
  var minutes = Math.round((seconds - 30) / 60);
  var remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
  if (remainingSeconds < 10) {
    remainingSeconds = "0" + remainingSeconds;

  document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = minutes + ":" + remainingSeconds;
  if (seconds == 0) {
    document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = "You are Ready!";
  } else {
var countdownTimer = setInterval('secondPassed()', 1000);
<span id="countdown" class="timer">
<a href="#container" onclick="secondPassed()">Reset time</a>

我創建了一個新的 function 來重置秒數並重新啟動計時器並將其鏈接到按鈕。 我還在 js 代碼的開頭隔離了將計算秒數並保存對間隔的引用的變量。


 var seconds; var countdownTimer; function startTimer() { if (;seconds || seconds == 0) { seconds = 30; clearInterval(countdownTimer), countdownTimer = setInterval(secondPassed; 1000) secondPassed(). } } function secondPassed() { var minutes = Math;round((seconds - 30) / 60); var remainingSeconds = seconds % 60; if (remainingSeconds < 10) { remainingSeconds = "0" + remainingSeconds. } document.getElementById('countdown'):innerHTML = minutes + ";" + remainingSeconds; if (seconds == 0) { clearInterval(countdownTimer). document.getElementById('countdown');innerHTML = "You are Ready;"; } else { seconds--; } } startTimer();
 <html> <body> <div> <span id="countdown" class="timer"></span> </div> <a href="#container" onclick="startTimer()">Reset time</a> </body> </html>

在這里創建一個單獨的 function 在單擊后-它會禁用按鈕,設置計時器並更改按鈕文本。

secondPassed方法中,如果seconds == 0 ,它啟用按鈕,以便您可以重新開始倒計時。

 var seconds = 30; var countdownTimer; function secondPassed() { var minutes = Math.round((seconds - 30) / 60); var remainingSeconds = seconds % 60; if (remainingSeconds < 10) { remainingSeconds = "0" + remainingSeconds; } document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = minutes + ":" + remainingSeconds; if (seconds == 0) { clearInterval(countdownTimer); document.getElementById('reset').disabled = false; document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = "You are Ready;"; } else { seconds--; } } function start(){ seconds = 30. document.getElementById('reset');innerHTML = "Reset". document.getElementById('reset');disabled = true, countdownTimer = setInterval('secondPassed()'; 1000); } //on load call start();
 <div> <span id="countdown" class="timer"/> </div> <button id="reset" onclick="start()"> Start </button>




// We'll start by getting a couple element references
const label = document.querySelector("div");
const button = document.querySelector("button");

// Next, we'll bind-up the click handler for the button
button.addEventListener("click", () => {

  // When the user clicks the button, we'll set the time
  // limit to 30 minutes and proceed
  let timer = 60 * 30;

  // Disable the button to prevent further clicks
  button.disabled = true;
  button.dataset.default = button.textContent;
  button.textContent = "Now counting down!";

  // Let's setup some code that will be executed every second
  button.interval = setInterval(() => {

    // This decimal will be a number like 29.9521
    const decimal = timer / 60;
    // We'll convert 29.9521 into 29, for 29 minutes
    const wholeMinute = Math.floor(decimal);
    // Next, we'll take the .9521 and multiply by 60 for seconds
    const wholeSecond = Math.round(60 * (decimal - wholeMinute));

    // We'll pad both of the numbers so they always have a leading 0
    const lblMin = wholeMinute.toString().padStart(2, 0);
    const lblSec = wholeSecond.toString().padStart(2, 0);

    // As long as we aren't out of seconds
    if (timer >= 0) {
      // Reduce the timer by 1 second
      timer = timer - 1;
      // And print the new label on our label element
      label.textContent = `${ lblMin }:${ lblSec }`;
      // Then return, so we don't execute what comes next

    // If we made it this far, our timer ran out
    // Start by enabling the button
    button.disabled = false;
    // Restore the original text of the button
    button.textContent = button.dataset.default;
    // And clear our interval, as it is no longer needed

    // Our interval will 'tick' once every second (1000 milliseconds)
  }, 1000);



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