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無法在 SAP UI5 中使用 AJAX 進行 POST 用於非 OData 靜態服務

[英]Unable to do POST using AJAX in SAP UI5 for non-odata restful service

我正在嘗試使用 AJAX 進行 POST 請求,但無法發布。 我收到 401 Unauthorized 錯誤並在請求“電子郵件:[“email 已被占用。”] 中收到錯誤。 Below is SAP UI5 controller function where i am doing ajax call and I have also shared API as well.Can someone please identify where the problem is?

SAP UI5 Controller:

var url = "http://url/api/url";
    var data = {
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    "father_name" : "Muhammad",
    "dob" : "1992-02-10",
    "gender" : "Male",
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    "addresses[0][region]" : "Bahria Town",
    "addresses[0][zone]" : "Lahore",
    "addresses[0][phone1]" : "083290273",
    "addresses[0][phone2]" : "343522242",
    "addresses[0][ext_no]" : "884",
    "addresses[0][fax]" : "345352626",
    "addresses[0][type]" : "Teacher",
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    "experience[0][designation]" : "Manager",
    "experience[0][organization]" : "UOL",
    "experience[0][address]" : "Bahria",
    "experience[0][city]" : "Lahore",
    "experience[0][country]" : "Pakistan",
    "experience[0][start_date]" : "2010-02-10",
    "experience[0][end_date]" : "2010-02-10",
    "experience[0][is_current]" : "0",
    "experience[0][user_id]" : "12",
    "trainings[0][principal_mrt_name]" : "hello",
    "trainings[0][organization]" : "UOL",
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    "trainings[0][country]" : "UK",
    "trainings[0][crn]" : "2323",
    "trainings[0][start_date]" : "2010-02-10",
    "trainings[0][end_date]" : "2010-02-10",
    "trainings[0][address]" : "UOL",
    "trainings[0][user_id]" : "12",
    "mSettings[ref_no]" : "234",
    "mSettings[designation]" : "Manager",
    "mSettings[department]" : "cs",
    "mSettings[organization]" : "uol",
    "mSettings[publish_email1_in_directory]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_email1_in_mailing_list]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_email1_in_obituary]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_email2_in_directory]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_email2_in_mailing_list]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_email2_in_obituary]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_cell_in_directory]" : "0",
    "mSettings[publish_cell_in_mailing_list]" : "0",
    "mSettings[sms_facility]" : "0",
    "mSettings[period_of_residence_in_pakistan]" : "12",
    "mSettings[publish_communication_address_in_directory]" : "0",
    "mSettings[communication_address]" : "Town Lahore",
         url: url,
         type: 'POST',
         mode: 'formdata',
         data: data,
         contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
         success: function(data){
         error: function(e){
             console.log("error: "+e);


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這是因為發送了相同的 email 地址。 代碼很好。 謝謝


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