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[英]Calculating age from date of birth with between condition on age

我正在使用 MySQL 像這樣計算年齡

SELECT timestampdiff(year, md.birthDate, curdate()) as age 
  from user 
 WHERE age BETWEEN 10 and 20

但我想獲取年齡和 MySQL 之間的數據,顯示“年齡”的未知列,那么我該如何設置條件?

變體 1(表達式代替 output 名稱):

SELECT timestampdiff(year, md.birthDate, curdate()) as age 
from user md
WHERE timestampdiff(year, md.birthDate, curdate()) BETWEEN 10 and 20

變體 2(有而不是 WHERE):

SELECT timestampdiff(year, md.birthDate, curdate()) as age 
from user md
HAVING age BETWEEN 10 and 20


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