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[英]Cross-browser HTML5 audio player

I am using audio tag to play a wav audio, My url is genereted by URL.createObjectURL() and the url is like blob:http://localhost/9fa2ef06-ade6-4027-89f8-06cd2c176405

由於 url 沒有擴展,我對 safari 有一些問題

以下代碼適用於 chrome,不適用於 safari(音頻播放器已禁用)

<audio src="MY_BLOB_URL" type="audio/wav">

以下代碼適用於 safari 而不適用於 chrome

<audio controls>
  <source src="MY_BLOB_URL" type="audio/wav">


<audio src="MY_BLOB_URL" type="audio/wav">
  <source src="MY_BLOB_URL" type="audio/wav">

這里有什么問題? 我怎樣才能擁有一個單代碼的跨瀏覽器 HTML5 音頻播放器?

我已經使用 Chrome、Edge 和 Firefox 在 Windows PC 上測試了以下代碼。
希望它也適用於 Safari。

PS:對於未來的讀者,此代碼也適用於 MP3 blob(設置為accept=".mp3" )。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head> <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> </head>


<div style="z-index: 1; overflow:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 50px">
<audio id="tag_Audio1" controls>
<source type="audio/wav">


<div style="z-index: 1; overflow:hidden; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 50px">
<p> Choose an WAV file...</p>
<input type="file" id="choose_media" accept=".wav" />


var file; var reader;
var tmpElement; //# is reference to aTag for holding image content.
var file_Blob; //# is reference to file BLOB (data of selected file).

const  myAudio = document.getElementById("tag_Audio1");
document.getElementById("choose_media").addEventListener("change", onFile_Selected, false);

function onFile_Selected(evt) 
    file = evt.target.files[0]; //# access to selected file
    reader = new FileReader();
    reader.readAsDataURL(file); //# load selected file as Blob
    reader.addEventListener("loadend", onFile_Loaded, false);

function onFile_Loaded(evt) 
    if (evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE) 
        //# remove any current SRC
        //# create blob
        file_Blob = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file);
        //# apply blob & test play
        myAudio.setAttribute("src", file_Blob);




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