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Flutter iOS 應用程序的越獄檢測

[英]Jail break detection for Flutter iOS apps

在測試過程中發現 ios 應用程序沒有越獄保護來阻止在越獄設備上運行的應用程序。

任何建議如何為我的 iOS 的 flutter APP 實施以下內容強烈建議實施以下方法。

• Try to find the presence of Cydia
 • Attempt to find existence of CydiaSubstrate, the framework that allows installation of third-party patches 
• Attempt to access directories that should not be available to an app without escalated privileges (such as /bin/bash, /etc/apt)
 • Try to find symbolic links to usually unavailable directories
 • Or, attempt to write to a directory where that usually wouldn’t be possible 

pub.dev 中有 2 個插件可以為您完成這項工作。

https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_jailbreak_detection https://pub.dev/packages/trust_fall

They both utilize existing native libs Rootbeer https://github.com/scottyab/rootbeer for Android and DTTJailbreakDetection https://github.com/thii/DTTJailbreakDetection for iOs,



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