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[英]Trying to get alt text to show when a user clicks on an image


這是我的 HTML

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Images to Text</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css"/>
    <h1>Some of my Favorite Animals.</h1>
        <h2>Capybara & Mantis Shrimp</h2>
        <div id='showAlt'>
            <img src="capybaraman.jpg" height="190" alt="A picture of a capybara in the arms of a man, showing that they are about the size of dogs but look comparable to guinea pigs.">
            <img src="capybaramonkey.jpg" width="300" alt="A picture of a capybara with monkeys petting and on top of the capybara.">
            <img src="capybarabird.png" width="300" alt="A picture of a capybara laying in the mud. There is also a bird sitting on top of them.">
            <img src="mantisshrimp.jpg" width="300" alt="A picture of a mantis shrimp with its' arms open, they are rainbow with large eyes. They have small wing-like structures coming from the sides of their bodies.">
            <img src="mantisbody.jpg" width="230" alt="A picture showing the mantis shrimp's body, it is long and looks like a lobster's tail with the same texture.">
            <img src="mantisclose.jpg" width="300" alt="A picture close up to a mantis shrimp's face, you can see their large eyes and their 'mouth'.">
        <div id="clickToShow"></div>
        <script src="imagetotext.js"></script>

這是我的 JavaScript

let altText = document.getElementById('clickToShow');
let clicker = document.getElementById('showAlt');

for (let x = 0; x < document.images.length; x++) {
    altText[x].addEventListener('click', imageToText);

function imageToText() {
    let clickImage = this.alt;
    clicker.textContent = clickImage;

每次用戶單擊圖像時,我都試圖添加一個 for 循環,它會顯示其替代文本,但我不斷收到錯誤消息,說它無法讀取未定義的 imageToText 的屬性 addEventListener。 我認為這可能是 HTML 中的 JS 太高了,因為它是未定義的,但即使在將我的腳本標簽向下移動之后,這種情況仍然存在。 我還想使用事件監聽器標簽——我還沒學過 jQuery。 任何幫助都會很棒。 我現在感覺被我的代碼卡住了。

每次用戶單擊圖像時,我都試圖添加一個 for 循環

然后將事件偵聽器添加到每個圖像 - 您當前正在嘗試將點擊偵聽器添加到altText[x] ,但altText單個元素,一個<div> - 它不是一個集合。

你也可能不想清除包含圖像的#showAlt div,因為那樣它們都會消失 - 你想將它添加到另一個 div 嗎?

for (const img of document.querySelectorAll('img')) {
  img.addEventListener('click', imageToText);
function imageToText() {
    altText.textContent = this.alt;


for (let x = 0; x < document.images.length; x++) {
    altText[x].addEventListener('click', imageToText);

你從 document.getElementById('clickToShow'); 得到 altText; 正確的?

里面,沒有數組,這就是為什么 addEventListener 無法讀取它


for (let x = 0; x < document.images.length; x++) {
    clicker[x].addEventListener('click', imageToText);


function imageToText() {
    let clickImage = this.alt;
    altText.textContent = clickImage;


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