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[英]Trying to figure out a way to swap characters within a string (python)

我試圖在一個單詞中獲取兩個隨機字符(不是第一個或最后一個)並交換它們。 前任。 詞= wod,什么= waht。 然而,我的代碼只是用第二個隨機字母替換第一個隨機字母,而不是交換它們。 有沒有解決的辦法?

word = str(input("Please enter your word here: "))


#Only scramble if word has more than 3 letters
if len(word) > 3:
    #randompick picks random positions in the word 
    def randompick() :
        #Pick random positions
        pos1 = randint(1, len(word)-2) 
        pos2 = randint(1, len(word)-2)
        #Make sure second position isn't the same as the first
        while pos1 == pos2:
            pos2 = randint(1, len(word)-2)
        #assign letters to variables
        firstLetter = word[pos1]
        secondLetter = word[pos2]
        #run scramble function
        #return firstLetter, secondLetter
        scramble(firstLetter, secondLetter)
    #scramble swaps the two positions previously chosen in randompick  
    def scramble(firstLetter, secondLetter):
        scrambled_word = word.replace(firstLetter, secondLetter) #first replacement
        print (scrambled_word)
    #Run functions

    print (word)

使用 function pop,這將記住並按索引刪除字符。 首先將字符串轉換為單詞,如此處所示。

word = ['w','o','r','d'];

print("result before swap: ", word)

randompos1 = 1
randompos2 = 2

word.insert(randompos1, word.pop(randompos2))
word.insert(randompos2, word.pop(randompos1+1))

print("result after swap: ", word)

您的“隨機”代碼看起來不錯,但是是的,問題出在您的替換上。 我建議使用 python 列表切片。

firstLetter = word[pos1]
secondLetter = word[pos2]

if pos1 > pos2:
    before = word[:pos1]
    between = word[pos1 + 1:pos2]
    after = word[pos2 + 1:]
    print(before + secondLetter + between + firstLetter + after)
    before = word[:pos2]
    between = word[pos2 + 1:pos1]
    after = word[pos1 + 1:]
    print(before + secondLetter + between + firstLetter + after)


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