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[英]how to store images from server(api) to room database

我想將來自 api 的圖像存儲到房間 db 中。我從 api 接收數據和圖像。 當我處於在線模式時,圖像是使用 api 提供的 url 加載的,但是當我處於離線模式時,應該在離線模式下從數據庫中存儲和檢索圖像。


 if (!data.data.images.isNullOrEmpty()) {

            val base = BuildConfig.SERVER_URL.replace("api/", "")

            data.data.images.forEachIndexed { pos, it ->

                    .load(base + it?.imagePath)
                    .into(object : CustomTarget<Bitmap>() {
                        override fun onResourceReady(
                                resource: Bitmap,
                                transition: Transition<in Bitmap>?
                        ) {
                            imageClick = pos + 1
                            val file = File(
                            imagePath = file.absolutePath
                            Utils.saveBitmapToFile(resource, imagePath)

                        override fun onLoadCleared(placeholder: Drawable?) {


我的 JSON 是這樣的:--------

 "data" : {
"images" : [ {
  "assetImageId" : 4113,
  "transactionTypeId" : 2,
  "transactionId" : 88341,
  "imageURL" : "",
  "imagePath" : "UserData/AssetImages/INS-0000017673_1616058387618.jpg",
  "createdBy" : 0,
  "createdOn" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "updatedBy" : null,
  "updatedOn" : null,
  "isActive" : 0,
  "isNew" : false,
  "isDeleted" : false,
  "isChanged" : false,
  "timestamp" : null
}, {
  "assetImageId" : 4114,
  "transactionTypeId" : 2,
  "transactionId" : 88341,
  "imageURL" : "",
  "imagePath" : "UserData/AssetImages/INS-0000017673_1616058402212.jpg",
  "createdBy" : 0,
  "createdOn" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "updatedBy" : null,
  "updatedOn" : null,
  "isActive" : 0,
  "isNew" : false,
  "isDeleted" : false,
  "isChanged" : false,
  "timestamp" : null
} ],


@Entity(tableName = DatabaseConstants.MYTABLE, indices = [Index(value = ["requestId"], unique = true)])
  data class AllocationDetailsByIdEntity(
    var requestId: String? = null,
    var subLocation: String? = null,
    var amsTagId: String? = null,
    var status: String? = null,
    var installedBy: String? = null,
    var installedDate: String? = null,
    val assetTree: String? = null,
    var images: List<ImagesssItem?>? =null,
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id: Int? = null
   ): Serializable

 data class ImagesssItem (
var assetImageId :String?= null,
var transactionTypeId: Int? = null,
var transactionId: Int? = null,
var imageURL: String? = null,
var imagePath: String? = null
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id : Int? = null




知道如何使用 Room db 存儲這些圖像嗎???????? 需要幫助...在此先感謝

嘗試將其存儲為 URI。 或者像這樣創建一個類型轉換器

class Converter {

    fun fromBitmap(bmp: Bitmap): ByteArray {
        val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
        bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, outputStream)
        return outputStream.toByteArray()

    fun toBitmap(byteArray: ByteArray): Bitmap {
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, byteArray.size)

並將此類型轉換器添加到您的 roomdb class

abstract class RunningDatabase : RoomDatabase() {




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