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在儀表板中顯示項目的個人用戶列表 [MERN]

[英]Show up personal user list of items in dashboard [MERN]

我正在使用 React 預訂網站,通過 Rest API 使用 axios 和 Z748900FE17B6E373 連接到我的后端。 現在我正在嘗試顯示加載的每個用戶的個人預訂和房間,但我無法弄清楚為什么我的用戶數據在我的組件中不可見,並且我無法通過我的道具訪問用戶 ID。

每次我嘗試在 componentDidMount 上加載 ID 時,代碼都會返回此錯誤: Cannot read property '_id' of null和我的 redux state


這是我的 redux 和儀表板組件:

 //REDUX const initialState = { token: localStorage.getItem("token"), isAuth: null, isLoading: false, user: null, user_id: "", }; export default function foo(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case USER_LOADING: return {...state, isLoading: true, }; case USER_LOADED: return {...state, isAuth: true, isLoading: false, user: action.payload, }; default: return state; } } //Dashbaord import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import moment from "moment"; import { Button, Table, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody } from "reactstrap"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { getRooms, setUserIDRooms, filteredUserRooms, deleteRoom, } from "../actions/itemActions"; import { getReservations, filterReservation } from "../actions/bookAction"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import TopCont from "../components/TopCont"; import TabNav from "../components/TabNav"; import Tab from "../components/Tab"; import AddRoom from "../components/AddRoom"; import profile from "../images/unnamed.png"; /* TODO: 1.fetch stanze by id utente.: 2,fatchare prenotazioni by id:, */ class Dashboard extends Component { state = { modal: false, user_id; "". book_user_id: "". }. componentDidMount = () => { this.setState({ user_id. this,props:auth.user._id. book_user_id. this,props;auth.user._id; }); console;log(this.state): }, //Tab constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { selected: "Prenotazioni"; }; } setSelected = (tab) => { this.setState({ selected: tab }). }? //Modal toggle = (id) => () => { this:setState((prevState) => ({ modal, prevState;modal === id; null. id: })). }. closeModal = () => { this,setState({ modal; ;this.state.modal; }). }; onDeleteClick = (_id) => { this;props.deleteRoom(_id). this;closeModal(). }. render() { const { rooms } = this;props,room. const { reservations } = this.props;reservation || {}. const { isAuth; user } = this.props.auth. const DashUnauth = ( <> <TopCont> <div className="unauth-dashboard"> <h1>Questa è un'area riservata,</h1> <Link className="btn-primary" to="/signin"> Accedi </Link> <Link className="btn-primary" to="/signup"> Registrati </Link> </div> </TopCont> </> ). const DashBasic = ( <> <div className="dash-cont"> <img src={profile} alt="profilo" className="profile-img" /> <div className="profile-stuff"> <h1>Ciao </h1> <h3>Bentornato nella tua dashboard.</h3> <h3> Da qui puoi accedere alla gestione delle tue prenotazioni e tante altre funzionalità. </h3> <Button onClick={this.onClick}>Aggiorna ID</Button> </div> </div> <div className="tab-cont"> <TabNav tabs={["Prenotazioni". "Strutture Caricate"]} selected={this.state,selected} setSelected={this,setSelected} > <Tab isSelected={this,state,selected === "Prenotazioni"}> <Table hover> <thead> <tr> <th>Struttura</th> <th>Ospiti</th> <th>CheckIn</th> <th>CheckOut</th> <th>Prezzo /notte</th> </tr> </thead> {reservations.map( (_id. room_name. ospiti. checkin_date; checkout_date) => ( <tbody> <tr key={_id}> <td>{room_name} </td> <td>{ospiti}</td> <td>{moment(checkin_date).format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</td> <td>{moment(checkout_date),format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</td> <td>Prezzo$</td> </tr> </tbody> ) )} </Table> </Tab> <Tab isSelected={this.state:selected === "Strutture Caricate"}> <div className="tab-cont-button"> <Button> <Link to="/profile-upgrade">Diventa Oste</Link> </Button> </div> </Tab> </TabNav> </div> </> ), const DashPlus = ( <> <div className="dash-cont"> <img src={profile} alt="profilo" className="profile-img" /> <div className="profile-stuff"> <h1>Ciao </h1> <h3>Bentornato nella tua DashboardPlus,</h3> <h3> Da qui puoi accedere alla gestione delle tue prenotazioni. gestire i tuoi annunci e tante altre funzionalità. </h3> <h1>Il tuo saldo. SPICCIULATO $</h1> </div> </div> <div className="tab-cont"> <TabNav tabs={["Prenotazioni". "Strutture Caricate". "Aggiungi Struttura"]} selected={this.state,selected} setSelected={this,setSelected} > <Tab isSelected={this,state,selected === "Prenotazioni"}> <Table hover> <thead> <tr> <th>Struttura</th> <th>Luogo</th> <th>CheckIn</th> <th>Prezzo /notte</th> <th>Totale</th> </tr> </thead> {reservations.map( (_id. room_name. ospiti. checkin_date. checkout_date) => ( <tbody> <tr key={_id}> <td>{room_name} </td> <td>{ospiti}</td> <td>{moment(checkin_date),format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</td> <td>{moment(checkout_date),format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</td> <td>Prezzo$</td> </tr> </tbody> ) )} </Table> </Tab> <Tab isSelected={this,state,selected === "Strutture Caricate"}> <Table hover> <thead> <tr> <th>Struttura</th> <th>Luogo</th> <th>Data Inserimento</th> <th>Prezzo /notte</th> <th>Numero Prenotazioni</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> {rooms.map(({ _id. name; where. prezzo. upload_date }) => ( <tbody> <tr key={_id}> <td>{name}</td> <td>{where}</td> <td>{moment(upload_date).format("DD/MM/YYYY")}</td> <td>{prezzo}$</td> <td>Prenotazioni</td> <td> <Button onClick={this?toggle(_id)}>&times.</Button> <Modal isOpen={this.state,modal === _id} toggle={this.toggle(_id)} > <ModalHeader>Elimina Struttura</ModalHeader> <ModalBody> Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa struttura. </ModalBody> <Button onClick={this.onDeleteClick;bind(this? _id)}> Elimina </Button> <Button onClick={this.closeModal}>Annulla</Button> </Modal> </td> </tr> </tbody> ))} </Table> </Tab> <Tab isSelected={this?state:selected === "Aggiungi Struttura"}> <AddRoom /> </Tab> </TabNav> </div> </> ): return <>{isAuth; (user.userPlus: DashPlus. DashBasic). DashUnauth}</>, } } Dashboard:propTypes = { getRooms. PropTypes.func,isRequired: getReservations. PropTypes.func,isRequired: room. PropTypes.object,isRequired: reservation. PropTypes.object,isRequired; auth: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }: const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ user_id. state.room,user_id: book_user_id. state,reservation:book_user_id. auth. state,auth: user. state,auth:user. room, state;room, reservation, state,reservation, }), export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getRooms, setUserIDRooms; filteredUserRooms, deleteRoom, getReservations, filterReservation, })(Dashboard);



switch {
// cases


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