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無法從 swift 中的字典 JSON 數組中獲取值

[英]Unable to get value from JSON array of dictionaries in swift

json 響應:“結果”:{

   "user_images": [
            "id": 113,
            "user_id": "160",
            "image": "1617349564.jpg",
            "image_title": "33"
            "id": 112,
            "user_id": "160",
            "image": "1617349541.jpg",
            "image_title": "22"
            "id": 111,
            "user_id": "160",
            "image": "1617349528.jpg",
            "image_title": "11"

代碼:使用此代碼,我得到像上面這樣的響應意味着所有user_images數組都來了...但是在這里我需要image_title如何獲得它..如果我運行 for loop 得到錯誤..請幫忙

  if let code = ((response.dict?["result"] as? [String : Any])){
      let userImages = code["user_images"] as? [String : Any]




if let code = response.dict?["result"] as? [String : Any]  {
  if let userImages = code["user_images"] as? [[String : Any]] {
      for item in userImages {

溶膠 2

if let code = response.dict?["result"] as? [String : Any]  { 
   do { 
       let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: code) 
       let decoder = JSONDecoder() 
       decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase 
       let res = try decoder.decode(Result.self, from: data) 
       let titles = res.userImages.map { $0.imageTitle } 
   catch {

// MARK: - Result
struct Result: Codable {
    let userImages: [UserImage]
// MARK: - UserImage
struct UserImage: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let userId, image, imageTitle: String

來自@Sh_Khan 的代碼

if let code = response.dict?["result"] as? [String : Any]  {
  //You're using "as?" which means you're casting as an optional type. 
  //One simple solution to this is here where it's unwrapped using "if let"
  if let userImages = code["user_images"] as? [[String : Any]] {
      // [String:Any] is a Dictionary
      // [[String:Any]] is an Array of Dictionary
      for item in userImages {
   } else {
      // We didn't unwrap this safely at all, do something else. 

讓我們深入研究一下。 這個結構是 JSON Object

        "id": 113,
        "user_id": "160",
        "image": "1617349564.jpg",
        "image_title": "33"

但是當它獨立時,它只是一個 JSON object。 添加一個鍵,或者在這個例子中user_images使它成為一個字典。 請注意, [沒有包裹它。 意味着它是一個獨立的字典。 如果這是您的 object,僅此一項,您的原始代碼就可以工作,但您正在處理一個Array of Dictionaries

        "id": 113,
        "user_id": "160",
        "image": "1617349564.jpg",
        "image_title": "33"

這行代碼本質上意味着您期望取回該Array of Dictionary 請記住,字典的每個值都不是數組值,這就是為什么您看不到類似[[[String: Any]]]的內容,因為數據不是這樣嵌套的。

if let userImages = code["user_images"] as? [[String : Any]]


可選項基本上是可以返回的nil可能值。 通常,在使用 JSON 時,您不能保證始終會收到給定鍵的值。 鍵值對甚至可能完全丟失。 如果發生這種情況,您最終會崩潰,因為它沒有得到處理。 以下是處理Optionals的最常用方法

var someString: String? //This is the optional one
var someOtherString = "Hello, World!" //Non-optional

if let unwrappedString1 = someString {
   //This code will never be reached
} else {
   //This code will, because it can't be unwrapped.

guard let unwrappedString2 = someString else {
   //This code block will run
   return //Could also be continue, break, or return someValue

//The code will never make it here.


var someString: String?
var someInt: Int?
var someBool: Bool?

someString = "Hello, World!"

//someString is not nil, but an important distinction to make, if any
//fail, ALL fail.
if let safeString = someString,
   let safeInt = someInt,
   let safeBool = someBool {
      //If the values are unwrapped safely, they will be accessible here.
      //In this case, they are nil, so this block will never be hit.
      //I make this point because of scope, the guard statement saves you from the 
      //scoping issue present in if let unwrapping.

guard let safeString = someString,
      let safeInt = someInt, 
      let safeBool = someBool {
         //This will be hit if a value is null

//However notice the scope is available outside of the guard statement, 
//meaning you can safely use the values now without them being contained
//to an if statement. Despite this example, they would never be hit.


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