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用 Mongoose 查詢 object arrays

[英]Querying object arrays with Mongoose

假設我在 mongoose 中有這樣一個集合我有這樣一個模板

    id: 123,
    "arrayvalue": [
        id: 355,
        name: "jhon",
        job: true
        id: 155,
        name: "clarck",
        job: false
        id: 275,
        name: "orie",
        job: true

我目前正在使用 nodejs express

我要做的就是獲取其值僅為 true 的對象。

我希望 output 是這樣的

  { id : 123,
    "arrayvalue": [
        "id": 355,
        "job": true,
        "name": "jhon"
        "id": 275,
        "job": true,
        "name": "orie"

找了很多地方都沒找到,希望對項目有必要。 你可以幫忙



演示 - https://mongoplayground.net/p/z1BwqmFh7Nq





{ $unwind: "$arrayvalue" }, // break into individual documents
{ $match: { "arrayvalue.job": true } }, // match query
  $group: { // join the document back
    _id: "$_id",
    arrayvalue: { $push: "$arrayvalue"}

選項 - 2

如果您想在 JS 中執行此操作:-

 const data = [{ id: 123, "arrayvalue": [{ id: 355, name: "jhon", job: true }, { id: 155, name: "clarck", job: false }, { id: 275, name: "orie", job: true }, ] }] const arr = data.map((d) => { if (d.arrayvalue) { d.arrayvalue = d.arrayvalue.filter(e => e.job === true); } return d; }); console.log(arr);

 var obj ={ id: 123, arrayvalue: [ { id: 355, name: "jhon", job: true }, { id: 155, name: "clarck", job: false }, { id: 275, name: "orie", job: true }, ] }; var response = {}; for (var i = 0; i < obj.arrayvalue.length; i++) { if (obj.arrayvalue[i].job) { response[i] = obj.arrayvalue[i]; } } console.log(response);


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