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將列表中的隨機元素與 Python 中的用戶輸入連接起來

[英]Concatenate random element from list with user input in Python

我正在編寫一個代碼,允許用戶輸入他們去過的城市。 用戶輸入后,我希望我的代碼從我的列表中返回一個隨機生成的關於城市的評論。 但是,每當我運行代碼時,它都會將用戶輸入與一個隨機字母連接起來,這不是我的代碼意圖。

import random

message = "Type your city here: "

#Comments to concatenate with user input
comments = [f"what a lovely {}", f"I always wanted to visit {}", "I hope you enjoyed your trip to {}"]

#While loop for user input
while True:
   message = input(message)

   for elem in comments:
      message += random.choice(elem)

   if message == "quit":


import random
#Comments to concatenate with user input 
comments = ["what a lovely ", "I always wanted to visit ", "I hope you enjoyed your trip to "]

#While loop for user input
message = None
while message != "quit":
   message = input("Type your city here: ")

我建議編寫一個 function ,它將城市作為輸入,然后在最后返回列表。 像這樣

def random_quote(city):
    comments = [f"what a lovely ", f"I always wanted to visit ", "I hope you 
     enjoyed your trip to "]
    comment = random.choice(comments)
    return comment + city


city = input('Please enter a city')

comment = random.choice(comments)

comment.replace('{}', city)


您不需要在 while 中使用 for 循環。 您應該始終避免while True因為它是錯誤的開口。 在循環內有一個break通常標志着糟糕的編程。

您可能應該在使用f-string的內容,您似乎也不知道random.choice的作用,因為您將它放入 for which 給了它消息,它隨機從中取出一個字符.

import random

def main():
    prompt = "Type your city here: "

    # Comments to concatenate with user input
    comments = ["what a lovely ", "I always wanted to visit ", "I hope you enjoyed your trip to "]

    usr_input = input(prompt)
    # While loop for user input
    while usr_input != 'quit':
        message = random.choice(comments) + usr_input
        usr_input = input(prompt)

if __name__ == '__main__':


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