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我目前正在學習制作 discord 機器人。 我想創建一個 switch 語句

[英]I am currently learning to make a discord bot. I want to create a switch statement

import os
import discord

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
  print('we have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
  if message.author == client.user: 

  if message.content.startswith('$Hello'):
    await message.channel.send('Hello! write "$Help" to find more about the Noriku bot ')
  if message.content.startswith('$Help'):
    await message.channel.send('Hi again! The noriku bot is still in beta stages...the only 2 commands are $Hello and $Help')


我想做的是做 switch 語句,因為許多專業人士說這比做 if 語句更好

Python 沒有 switch-case 語句。 無論如何,在您的情況下沒有必要,因為您的代碼已經可讀,並且 switch-case 將不適用,因為您使用的是 function ( .startswith() )。 Switch-case 語句僅在特定情況下“更好”。 鑒於您只檢查 2 個條件,這種方法已經是最好的了。


commands = {
    '$Hello' : 'Hello! write "$Help" to find more about the Noriku bot ',
    '$Help' : 'Hi again! The noriku bot is still in beta stages...the only 5 commands are $Hello, $Help, $Test1, $Test2, and $Test3',
    '$Test1' : 'This is Test1',
    '$Test2' : 'This is Test2',
    '$Test3' : 'This is Test3'


async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user: 

    for key, value in commands.items():
        if message.content.startswith(key):
            await message.channel.send(value)

這樣,您就不必為您所做的每個命令都添加額外的 if 語句。



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