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[英]Seeking clarification regarding type erasure and type inference

class Undoable<T> {
  T value;
  Deque<Object> history;
  Undoable(T t, Deque<Object> history) {
    this.value = t;
    this.history = history;
  static <T> Undoable<T> of(T t) {
    return new Undoable<T>(t, new LinkedList<Object>());

  public <R> Undoable<R> flatMap(Function<T, Undoable<R>> mapper) {
    Undoable<R> r = mapper.apply(value);
    Deque<Object> newHistory = new LinkedList<>();
    return new Undoable<R>(r.value, newHistory);

  public <R> Undoable<R> undo() {
    Deque<Object> newHistory = new LinkedList<>(this.history);
    R r;
    try {
      r = (R)newHistory.removeLast(); //line A
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new CannotUndoException();
    return new Undoable<R>(r, newHistory);

鑒於上面的代碼片段,假設我們保持 A 行不變並忽略編譯警告。 如果我們會發生什么

Undoable<Integer> i = Undoable.of("hello").flatMap(s -> {
    Deque<Object> history;
    history = new LinkedList<>();
    return new Undoable<Integer>(s.length(), history);
Undoable<Double> d = i.undo();

我得到Undoable<Integer>Undoable<Double>擦除為Undoable 但是undo()方法中的R會變成什么? 它是否推斷為Double因為Double是該方法調用的目標類型?

我試過在我的機器上運行代碼,它運行良好,但我不知道為什么。 任何人都可以解釋一下嗎? 萬分感謝!

The R type it will become Object , even when inferred during the method call, this is because of R been of no use, since you never explicit declared it, like this i.<Double>undo() , in most use cases, parametric在方法中使用類型來推斷方法參數的類型。 關於您的代碼流,即使使用 Undone d.value也是一個字符串,這是因為d Undone類型將被編譯為 object,因為R類型可以是任何東西,沒有如何比較,在編譯時,類型使用您的聲明推斷方法調用的結果。 如果你把Undone<Double> d = i.<String>undo()它會拋出一個錯誤,否則如果你不顯式聲明,永遠不會拋出一個強制轉換異常。


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