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c++ 模板元編程:如何為我的自定義特征定義類型特征“is_xxxxx_v”別名?

[英]c++ template meta programming: how do you define the type trait "is_xxxxx_v" alias for my custom trait?

所以我一直在看這個: https://akrzemi1.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/your-own-type-predicate/

它表明您可以采用自定義特征(或謂詞) is_thing<T>::type並將其別名為is_thing_t<T> - 例如:

template <bool Cond>
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<Cond>::type;

現在我想做同樣的技巧來實現其他特征中使用的值別名。 我的嘗試下面有一段代碼:

// Primary template
// tparam 1 (T) is to pass in the class-under-test. 
// tparam 2 (deafult to void) is to catch all cases not specialised - so they evaluate to false
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_really_bob : std::false_type {};

// specialisation
// tparam 1 (T) is to pass in the class-under-test. 
// tparam 2 special meta-function that - if our class best-matches THIS template then it will evaluate to true
template <typename T>
struct is_really_bob <T, std::void_t<
    typename T::result_type,                 // Has a nested type called result_type
    decltype(T::check_bob()),                // Has a static member fn called check_bob
    decltype(std::is_default_constructible_v<T>), // required for below:
    decltype(T{}.set_bob(std::string{""})),  // has member fn set_bob that takes a string (also requires default c'tor)
    decltype(T{}.get_bob())                  // has member fn get_bob (also requires default c'tor)
>> : std::true_type {};

///// THIS FAILS /////
template <bool T>
using is_really_bob_v = typename is_really_bob<T>::value;

這里的問題是::value不是類型名稱。 我不知道生成值別名的語法。 有沒有辦法做到這一點? 我希望最終能夠執行以下操作:

if constexpr (is_really_bob_v<T>)
    // ...

完整的代碼示例在這里: https://godbolt.org/z/dG11vxesW - 沒有嘗試 at::value 別名注釋掉所以我們至少可以看到代碼工作的 rest


  1. 您將其聲明為template <bool T>而模板需要一個類型。
  2. 您正在嘗試使用類型別名來別名 boolean 值。


template <typename T>
//        ^^^^^^^^ not bool
inline constexpr bool is_really_bob_v = is_really_bob<T>::value;
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^no type alias     ^ no typename


struct BobTest {
  BobTest() = default;
  using result_type = bool;

  void set_bob(std::string) {}

  std::string get_bob() { return "bob"; }

  static void check_bob() {}

struct NonBobTest {
  NonBobTest() = default;
  // using result_type = bool;

  void set_bob(std::string) {}

  std::string get_bob() { return "bob"; }

  static void check_bob() {}

int main() {
  std::cout << "Is BobTest a real bob? " << is_really_bob_v<BobTest> << "\n";
  std::cout << "Is NonBobTest a real bob? "
            << is_really_bob_v<NonBobTest> << "\n";


Is BobTest a real bob? 1
Is NonBobTest a real bob? 0

由於 C++14 您可以將變量模板聲明為:

template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_really_bob_v = is_really_bob<T>::value;

Before C++14, you can declare it as static data members of a class template, or as return value of a constexpr function template.


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