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通過 API 網關進行測試時,AWS lambda 和 python 出現錯誤

[英]Error in AWS lambda with python when testing through API Gateway

I have a basic lambda function which accepts a JSON, and transforms to XML and uploads the same to s3 bucket. 我正在通過 lambda 控制台運行測試,並且 xml 也正在生成並上傳到 s3。 當我通過 API 網關運行測試時出現問題,並且出現錯誤:

"message": "Internal server error" and Status: 502. The error also points out where is the code issue:
{"errorMessage": "'header'", "errorType": "KeyError", "stackTrace": ["  File \"/var/task/sample.py\", line 21, in printMessage\n    b1.text = event['header']['echoToken']\n"]}

通過 lambda 控制台運行時,相同的代碼正在工作。 下面是帶有引發錯誤的行的代碼片段:

def printMessage(event, context):
    #event = json.loads(event['header'])
    root = ET.Element("Reservation")
    m1 = ET.Element("header")
    b1 = ET.SubElement(m1, "echoToken")
    b1.text = event['header']['echoToken'] #this line throws error

我在這里遇到了類似的問題: AWS Lambda-API gateway "message": "Internal server error" (502 Bad Gateway) 下面是事件 object 的打印。

{'header': {'echoToken': '907f44fc-6b51-4237-8018-8a840fd87f04', 'timestamp': '2018-03-07 20:59:575Z'}, 'reservation': {'hotel': {'uuid': '3_c5f3c903-c43d-4967-88d1-79ae81d00fcb', 'code': 'TASK1', 'offset': '+06:00'}, 'reservationId': 12345, 'confirmationNumbers': [{'confirmationNumber': '12345', 'source': 'ENCORA', 'guest': 'Arturo Vargas'}, {'confirmationNumber': '67890', 'source': 'NEARSOFT', 'guest': 'Carlos Hernández'}], 'lastUpdateTimestamp': '2018-03-07 20:59:541Z', 'lastUpdateOperatorId': 'task.user'}}

根據鏈接中的解決方案,如果我嘗試這樣做: header = json.loads(event['header']) 我收到以下錯誤:

"errorMessage": "the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not dict",

這是我需要完成的任務,我嘗試了一些事情,但是在通過 API 網關和 POSTMAN 進行測試時總是失敗。 So, my question is: I don't want to change my complete code for XML transformation, and is there any way that I load the complete event object in python, so that it works both through lambda console and API gateway?




eventDict = json.loads(event)
b1Text = json.dumps(eventDict['header']['echoToken'])



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