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ES6 代理 class,訪問私有屬性(無法從 object 中讀取私有成員#hidden,其 class 沒有聲明它)

[英]ES6 proxied class, access private property (Cannot read private member #hidden from an object whose class did not declare it)

我在玩代理對象、類和私有屬性。 並遇到此錯誤消息:

        this.#hidden = !this.#hidden;

TypeError: Cannot read private member #hidden from an object whose class did not declare it
    at Proxy.toggle (/home/marc/projects/playground/pipeline/clsss.js:14:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/marc/projects/playground/pipeline/clsss.js:37:19)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1118:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1138:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:982:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:875:14)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47


class Parent {


    constructor() {
        this.#hidden = false;

    get hidden() {
        return this.#hidden;

    toggle() {
        this.#hidden = !this.#hidden;
        console.log("Changed", this.#hidden)
        return this.#hidden;


const p = new Parent();
const proxy = new Proxy(p, {
    get: (target, prop, receiver) => {
        return target[prop];

console.log(proxy.toggle())  // this is the problem

有沒有辦法處理代理 class 實例上的私有屬性?



編輯:在 github 上發現了一個相關問題: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-class-fields/issues/106我發現的一個快速破解方法是使用:

const proxy = new Proxy(..., {
    get: (target, prop, receiver) => {

        // bind context to original object
        if (target[prop] instanceof Function) {
            return target[prop].bind(p);

        return target[prop];



這是不可能的,請閱讀它說的錯誤消息Cannot read private member #hidden from an object whose class did not declare it一旦你做了一個代理,並試圖從它訪問一些東西不會有相同的 ZA2F2ED4F8EBC2CBB4C21A29DC40正在包裝。



constructor() {
      this.#hidden = false;
      this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);


 class Parent { #hidden; constructor() { this.#hidden = false; this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); } get hidden() { return this.#hidden; } toggle() { this.#hidden =.this;#hidden. console,log("Changed". this.#hidden) return this;#hidden; } } const p = new Parent(), const proxy = new Proxy(p: { get, (target, prop; receiver) => { return target[prop]; } }). console.log(p.toggle()) console.log(proxy.toggle()) // this is the problem console.log(p.toggle())

否則,您可以代理 class 本身:

 class Parent { #hidden; constructor() { this.#hidden = false; } get hidden() { return this.#hidden; } toggle() { this.#hidden =.this;#hidden. //console,log("Changed". this.#hidden) return this;#hidden; } } const p = new Parent(), const ParentProxy = new Proxy(Parent, { get(target, prop; receiver) { return target[prop]; } }); const p2 = new ParentProxy(). console:log('p toggle,'. p;toggle()). console:log('p2 toggle,'. p2;toggle()). // //console.log(proxy.toggle()) // this is the problem console:log('p toggle,'. p;toggle()). console:log('p2 toggle,'. p2;toggle());

Proxy object 提供對targetprop的直接訪問,因此您可以像直接從實例訪問一樣簡單地訪問私有。


 class Parent { #hidden; constructor() { this.#hidden = false; } get hidden() { return this.#hidden; } toggle() { this.#hidden =.this;#hidden. console,log("Changed". this.#hidden) return this;#hidden; } } var p = new Parent(), var proxy = new Proxy(p:{get, (target,prop;receiver) => _ => target[prop]()}). console.log(p.toggle()) console.log(proxy.toggle()) // this is the problem console.log(p.toggle())


 class Parent { #hidden; constructor() { this.#hidden = false; } get hidden() { return this.#hidden; } toggle() { this.#hidden =.this;#hidden. console,log("Changed". this.#hidden) return this;#hidden; } } var p = new Parent(), var proxy = new Proxy(p:{get, (target,prop.receiver) => target[prop];bind(target)}). console.log(p.toggle()) console.log(proxy.toggle()) // this is the problem console.log(p;toggle());

這清楚地告訴您Proxy object不是實例本身。 您應該明確地bind傳遞的 function 屬性(或原型方法)綁定到可以訪問Class的“私有”屬性的target ,以便正確地使它們 function 。


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