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Spring 引導 - gradlew 測試失敗 || 無法加載 ApplicationContext

[英]Spring Boot - gradlew test failed || Failed to load ApplicationContext

  1. I made my project using spring website with the following options:- gradle project, java, spring boot version 2.4.5, java version 8, dependencies:- Spring Web, Thymeleaf, Spring Data API
  2. 下載.zip文件並解壓
  3. 運行gradlew test並失敗並顯示以下報告:- project/build/reports/tests/test

您的項目中似乎沒有可用的 JDBC 驅動程序。 When you choose the Spring Data JPA dependency from Spring Initializr, you also need to add a database driver (for example, H2, PostgreSQL or MariaDB). Spring 數據 JDBC 和 Spring 數據 R2DBC 也是如此。 在此處輸入圖像描述


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