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為評估為真的 IN 條件元素設置限制

[英]Set limit for IN condition element that evaluate true

table: t
| Id           | price     | Date      |
|  1           | 30        | 2021-05-09|
|  1           | 24        | 2021-04-26|
|  1           | 33        | 2021-04-13|
|  2           | 36        | 2021-04-18|
|  3           | 15        | 2021-04-04| 
|  3           | 33        | 2021-05-06|
|  4           | 46        | 2021-02-16|

我想 select 行,其中 id 為 1,2,4,並按日期降序獲取每個 id 的最大 2 行。

| Id           | price     | Date      |
|  1           | 30        | 2021-05-09|
|  1           | 24        | 2021-04-26|
|  2           | 36        | 2021-04-18|
|  4           | 46        | 2021-02-16|


Select * from t where Id IN ('1','2','4') limit 2 order by Date desc; 



select id, price, date
from (select t.*,
             row_number() over (partition by id order by date desc) as seqnum
      from t
      where id in (1, 2, 4)
     ) t
where seqnum <= 2;


select t.*
from t
where t.id in (1, 2, 4) and
      t.date >= coalesce( (select t2.date
                           from t t2
                           where t2.id = t.id
                           order by t2.date desc
                           limit 1,1
                           ), t.date

為了提高性能,您需要(id, date)上的索引。 此外,如果在同一日期給定 id 有多行,這可能會返回重復項。

是一個 db<>fiddle。


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