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如何將變量附加到 Graphql 上下文?

[英]How to attach variables to the Graphql context?

我正在使用 express-graphql。 我想將一些參數附加到上下文中,但它們沒有附加。


  schema: schema,
  rootValue: resolver,
  graphiql: true,
  context: {someValue: 100}


type Query {
  get_number: Int!


get_number(_, __, context) {
 return context.someValue;

當我嘗試調用 get_number 時,它說:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.get_number.",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 2
      "path": [
  "data": null

這是 console.log(context) 所說的:

  fieldName: 'get_number',
  fieldNodes: [
      kind: 'Field',
      alias: undefined,
      name: [Object],
      arguments: [],
      directives: [],
      selectionSet: undefined,
      loc: [Object]
  returnType: Int!,
  parentType: Query,
  path: { prev: undefined, key: 'get_number' },
  schema: GraphQLSchema {
    __validationErrors: [],
    __allowedLegacyNames: [],
    _queryType: Query,
    _mutationType: Mutation,
    _subscriptionType: undefined,
    _directives: [ @skip, @include, @deprecated ],
    astNode: undefined,
    extensionASTNodes: undefined,
    _typeMap: [Object: null prototype] {
      Query: Query,
      TestType: TestType,
      Int: Int,
      User: User,
      String: String,
      Float: Float,
      ClassMatein: ClassMatein,
      ClassMate: ClassMate,
      Mutation: Mutation,
      UserInput: UserInput,
      __Schema: __Schema,
      __Type: __Type,
      __TypeKind: __TypeKind,
      Boolean: Boolean,
      __Field: __Field,
      __InputValue: __InputValue,
      __EnumValue: __EnumValue,
      __Directive: __Directive,
      __DirectiveLocation: __DirectiveLocation
    _possibleTypeMap: [Object: null prototype] {},
    _implementations: [Object: null prototype] {}
  fragments: [Object: null prototype] {},
  rootValue: {
    test: [Function: test],
    random: [Function: random],
    addTestUser: [Function: addTestUser],
    get_mate: [Function: get_mate],
    get_number: [Function: get_number]
  operation: {
    kind: 'OperationDefinition',
    operation: 'query',
    name: undefined,
    variableDefinitions: [],
    directives: [],
    selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [Array], loc: [Object] },
    loc: { start: 0, end: 21 }
  variableValues: {}


const {
} = require('graphql')
const gql = require('graphql-tag');

module.exports = buildSchema(`
  type User {
    name: String!
    email: String!
    age: Int!

我想我的 someValue 應該在 variableValues 中,但它不存在:( 我應該怎么做才能將此變量(someValue)附加到上下文?提前致謝。

問題是您將resolvers object 作為rootValue 相反,您應該將它們放入您的架構中,例如使用makeExecutableSchema

解析器需要四個 arguments:父 object、字段 arguments、上下文和解析信息。

如果架構中的字段沒有解析器,則 GraphQL 會退回到簡單地使用父 object 上的字段名稱訪問屬性(這是根Query類型上字段的rootValue )。 如果該屬性是一個方法,它會使用三個 arguments 調用該方法(即this = 父對象):字段 arguments、上下文和解析信息。


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