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如何在 NestJs 和 typescript 中使用 `mongoose-delete` 插件?

[英]How to use `mongoose-delete` plugin with NestJs and typescript?

我在 NestJs 庫中使用 Mongoose 並希望對我的所有模式使用 mongoose -delete插件。

但我不知道如何使用它與 nestJS 和 Typescript。

首先,我同時安裝了mongoose-delete@Types/mongoose-delete庫,但是這個插件沒有 typescript 文檔。 這是嵌套添加插件的推薦方法:

    MongooseModule.forRoot(MONGO_URI, {
      connectionFactory: connection => {
        return connection;

這絕對會產生 esLint 錯誤:

Require 語句不是 import statement.eslint 的一部分

而且我不能使用delete function。它沒有在 mongoose.Dcoument 中定義

  export type ChannelDocument = Channel & Document;

    @InjectModel(Channel.name) private _channelModel: Model<ChannelDocument>,
  ) {}

  async delete(id: string) {
    this._channelModel.delete({ id });
    // This is undefined -^


import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose';
import { softDeletePlugin, ISoftDeletedModel, ISoftDeletedDocument } from 'mongoose-softdelete-typescript';

const TestSchema = new Schema({
  name: { type: String, default: '' },
  description: { type: String, default: 'description' },


const Test = model<ISoftDeletedDocument, ISoftDeletedModel<ISoftDeletedDocument>>('Test', TestSchema);
const test1 = new Test();
// delete single document
const newTest = await test1.softDelete();
// restore single document
const restoredTest = await test1.restore();
// find many deleted documents
const deletedTests = await Test.findDeleted(true);
// soft delete many documents with conditions
await Test.softDelete({ name: 'test' });

// support mongo transaction
const session = await Test.db.startSession();
try {
  const newTest = await test1.softDelete(session);

  await session.commitTransaction();
} catch (e) {
  console.log('e', e);
  await session.abortTransaction();
} finally {
  await session.endSession();

安裝此 package 后,嘗試重新啟動 IDE(如果使用 vscode):@types/mongoose-delete

使用軟刪除插件 => https://www.npmjs.com/package/soft-delete-mongoose-plugin

一個簡單友好的mongoose軟刪除插件,使用TS實現。 在 mongoose model 上添加和重寫方法,實現軟刪除邏輯。

yuo 可以用作全局插件:

import { plugin } from 'mongoose';
import { SoftDelete } from 'soft-delete-mongoose-plugin';

// defind soft delete field name
const IS_DELETED_FIELD = 'isDeleted';
const DELETED_AT_FIELD = 'deletedAt';

// use soft delete plugin
  new SoftDelete({
    isDeletedField: IS_DELETED_FIELD,
    deletedAtField: DELETED_AT_FIELD,

// other code
// ... 


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