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[英]Finding consecutive months in a list



consecutive_months(["December", "January", "February", "April"])


"December", "January", "February"


consecutive_months(["February", "December", "January"])


"December", "January", "February"


MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", 
          "April", "May", "June",
          "July", "August", "September", 
          "October", "November", "December"] 

def consecutive_months(lst_of_months):
    # create two years of months to handle going from Dec to Jan        
    results = []
    for m in set(lst_of_months):
    results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1])
    # find the longest series of consecutive months
    this_series = []    
    longest_series = []
    for this_month in results:
        if len(this_series) > 0:
            last_month = this_series[-1]
            if last_month[1] + 1 == this_month[1]:
                this_series = [this_month]
            this_series = [this_month]           
        if len(this_series) > len(longest_series):
            longest_series = [m for (m,i) in this_series]

    return longest_series

是一個帶有示例輸入和預期輸出的 pastebin。

我注意到您的代碼存在一個問題:當輸入中出現所有 12 個月時,output 將所有月份列出兩次。 這很容易解決,只需執行以下操作:

return longest_series[:12]

我將 go 用於解決方案,其中輸入被轉換為一種 12 位的“位圖”,其中 1 表示相應的月份在輸入中,而 0 表示不是。

如果表示為 12 個字符的字符串,則可以使用正則表達式輕松識別“1”的序列。

我還會對月份列表進行一些預處理,這樣你就有了它的列表和字典版本,並且將列表翻了一番,這樣你就可以從它跨越 12 個邊界進行切片。


import re

months = ["January", "February", "March", 
          "April", "May", "June",
          "July", "August", "September", 
          "October", "November", "December"]

# Also create a dictionary to get a month's index
month_nums = { month: num for num, month in enumerate(months) }
# ... and double the months list, to ease slicing across the 12-boundary
months += months

def consecutive_months(given_months):
    # Deal with boundary case
    if not given_months:
        return []

    # Convert input to 12 bits in string format
    lst = ["0"] * 12
    for m in given_months:
        lst[month_nums[m]] = "1"
    bits = "".join(lst)
    # Identify the longest chunk of consecutive "1" in that doubled string
    _, start, end = max((j-i, i, j) 
        for i, j in (match.span(0)
            for match in re.finditer("1+", bits + bits)
    # Using the found span, extract the corresponding month names
    return months[start:end][:12]


兩個月的字符串不能直接比較。 如果將它們轉換為數字,則可以通過加1來計算下個月的數字(12月之后的1月除外),數字之間的比較肯定大於字符串。


MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March",
          "April", "May", "June",
          "July", "August", "September",
          "October", "November", "December"]

month_num_dict = {month: num for num, month in enumerate(MONTHS, start=1)}

def consecutive_months(month_list: list) -> list:
    # Deal with boundary case
    if len(month_list) == 0:
        return month_list

    # A list of twice length is required only when the first and last months end to end
    first_month_num = month_num_dict[month_list[0]]
    last_month_num = month_num_dict[month_list[-1]]
    last_month_next_num = last_month_num + 1 if last_month_num != 12 else 1

    month_list = month_list * 2 if last_month_next_num == first_month_num else month_list

    # Initialize list of candidates and longest series
    candidate = [month_list[0], ]
    longest_series = [month_list[0], ]

    for i in range(len(month_list) - 1):
        month = month_list[i]
        month_num = month_num_dict[month]

        next_month = month_list[i + 1]
        next_month_num = month_num_dict[next_month]

        expected_next_month_num = month_num + 1 if month_num != 12 else 1

        if expected_next_month_num == next_month_num:

            # At the end of the traversal, decide whether to update the longest series
            # according to the length of the candidate.
            if i == len(month_list) - 2 and len(candidate) > len(longest_series):
                longest_series = candidate
            # When the length of the new candidate is greater than the old, update the longest series
            if len(candidate) > len(longest_series):
                longest_series = candidate

            # Generate next candidate month list
            candidate = [next_month, ]
    # Deal with all 12 months input list
    if len(longest_series) > 12:
        return MONTHS

    return longest_series


import time
import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8")

month_num_dict = {
    time.strftime("%B", time.strptime(str(num), "%m")): num
    for num in range(1, 13)

MONTHS = list(month_num_dict.keys())


以下是一位朋友提出的兩種工作方法,他們也研究了這個問題。 第一個是高性能的並使用模運算符,因此列表不需要復制到自身上。

month_names = [
    'January', 'February',
    'March', 'April', 'May',
    'June', 'July', 'August',
    'September', 'October',
    'November', 'December'
# Looks like: {'January': 0, 'February': 1...}
month_name_to_index = {
  value: index
  for index, value
  in enumerate(month_names)
def consecutive_months(list_of_months_by_name):
  if not list_of_months_by_name:
    # If the list is empty, return None.
    return None
  month_was_seen = [False] * 12  # Looks like: [False, False, ...]
  for month_name in list_of_months_by_name: 
    month_was_seen[month_name_to_index[month_name]] = True
  # Seek to first missing month:
  for start_index in range(12):
    if not month_was_seen[start_index]:
  # If there is no missing month, return the whole year.
  if month_was_seen[start_index]:
    return {"from": "January", "to": "December", "length": 12}
  # Starting from the first missing month, loop around the year
  # and keep track of the longest run using one boolean and four
  # integers.
  running = False
  longest_run_index = None
  longest_run_length = 0
  current_run_index = None
  current_run_length = None
  for offset in range(1, 13):
    index = (start_index + offset) % 12
    if month_was_seen[index]:
      # Continue a run or begin a run.
      if running:
        current_run_length += 1
      running = True
      current_run_index = index 
      current_run_length = 1
    if running:
      # End the run.
      running = False
      if current_run_length > longest_run_length:
        longest_run_index = current_run_index 
        longest_run_length = current_run_length
  return {
    "from": month_names[longest_run_index],
    "to": month_names[(longest_run_index + longest_run_length - 1) % 12],
    "length": longest_run_length


    'January', 'February',
    'March', 'April', 'May',
    'June', 'July', 'August',
    'September', 'October',
    'November', 'December'
def consecutive_months(list_of_months_by_name):
  return max(
          int(segment[:segment.index(":")]) + len(segment) - segment.index(":")
    for segment in 
      "x" if month_name in list_of_months_by_name else f",{index}:"
      for index, month_name in enumerate(MONTH_NAMES*2)
    if ":" in segment
  )[1] if set(MONTH_NAMES) - set(list_of_months_by_name) else MONTH_NAMES

兩種算法都返回測試數據的預期結果。 謝謝AV!


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