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無法理解將指針 char *str 聲明為 str/&str 之間的區別?有什么區別,它有什么作用?

[英]Can't understand the difference between declaring a pointer char *str as str/&str?Whats the difference and what does it do?

老實說,這不是我的代碼。 和我一起學習的是我哥哥,但他比我領先。
請注意 function char *replaceWord()中的char *strchar *resultString

/*Suppose you have a template letter.txt. You have to fill in values to a template. Letter.txt looks something like this:
Thanks {{name}} for purchasing {{item}} from our outlet {{outlet}}. Please visit our outlet {{outlet}} for any kind of problems. We plan to serve you again soon.
You have to write a program that will automatically fill the template.For this, read this file and replace these values:
{{name}} - Harry 
{{item}} - Table Fan 
{{outlet}} - Ram Laxmi fan outlet
Use file functions in c to accomplish the same.*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char * replaceWord(const char * str, const char * oldWord, const char * newWord)
    char * resultString;
    int i, count = 0;
    int newWordLength = strlen(newWord);
    int oldWordLength = strlen(oldWord);

    for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
        if (strstr(&str[i], oldWord) == &str[i])
            //Jumping over the word and continuing
            i = i + oldWordLength - 1;
        //dynamically allocation memory to resultString since it can be big or samll depending on the size of the newWord.
        /*i = old string length , count = no. of times the word appeared in the string, 
        newWordLength-oldWordLength=difference between the new word and the old word
        +1 for the null character '\0'
        Basically we are saying that add the size required for the newWord to the strings length i.e i;
    resultString = (char *)malloc(i + count * (newWordLength - oldWordLength) + 1);

    i = 0; //refreshing the i for the while loop
        while (*str)
            if (strstr(str, oldWord) == str)
                strcpy(&resultString[i], newWord);
                i += newWordLength;
                str += oldWordLength;
                resultString[i] = *str;
        resultString[i] = '\0';
        return resultString;
int main()
    FILE *ptr = NULL;
    FILE *ptr2 = NULL;
    ptr = fopen("letter.txt", "r");     //where the template is stored
    ptr2 = fopen("newLetter.txt", "w"); //where the new bill will be stored.
    char str[200];
    fgets(str, 200, ptr); //store the bill template in the str variable.
    printf("The original bill template is : %s\n", str);

    //Calling the replacing fucntion
    char *newStr = str; //newStr will store the new bill i.e generated
    newStr = replaceWord(str, "{{name}}", "Mary");
    newStr = replaceWord(newStr, "{{item}}", "Waffle Machine");
    newStr = replaceWord(newStr, "{{outlet}}", "Belgium Waffle");
    printf("\nThe bill generated is:\n%s", newStr);
    fprintf(ptr2, "%s", newStr);
    return 0;

有人可以解釋為什么指針*str*resultString在程序中以不同的方式表示,它們在做什么? 有時它是*str&strstr[i] 請解釋。 我知道指針用於保存其他變量的地址,但這段代碼對我來說仍然是個謎。 還有為什么 function 是指針?

注意:當我問怎么做時,“他說這就是它的工作原理”。 請幫忙。; 我無法專注於其他事情。 如果你不能解釋;解釋鏈接也可以。

Sometimes it's *str, &str or str[i]



strchar的一個指針,並且在它上面有一個*會取消引用它。 這意味着它從它指向的 memory 中獲取值。 指針可能並不總是指向變量,它可以是任意 memory 地址。 但是取消引用不屬於您的 memory 將導致分段錯誤,這是我最喜歡的錯誤,幾乎每次在處理 arrays 時都會發生。


這與*(str + i)相同。 這意味着它將 memory 地址增加i * sizeof(<datatype of what str points to>) 然后它從那個增加的地址中獲取值。 這用於獲取數組的元素。


這只是給出了變量str的地址,它是一個指針。 因此,它返回一個指向指針的指針(即str )。 可以存在指向指針的指針。

function 不是指針。 相反,它返回一個指針*resultString 這樣就可以返回一個字符串。 該字符串已在此行中初始化:

resultString = (char *)malloc(i + count * (newWordLength - oldWordLength) + 1);


//dynamically allocation memory to resultString since it can be big or samll depending on the size of the newWord.
        /*i = old string length , count = no. of times the word appeared in the string, 
        newWordLength-oldWordLength=difference between the new word and the old word
        +1 for the null character '\0'
        Basically we are saying that add the size required for the newWord to the strings length i.e i;

它還遺漏了使用malloc而不是正常分配的一個關鍵原因。 malloc在所有函數和線程之間共享的堆上分配變量。 雖然正常初始化會將其分配在堆棧上,當 function 結束時彈出堆棧。 所以,function 跟棧后沒用,所以應該在堆上使用。 它也適用於動態分配。


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