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Python 將 JsonL 轉換為 CSV 文件時插入 CSV 文件的標頭

[英]Python Inserting headers for CSV file when converting JsonL to CSV File

目前正在研究將文件從 jsonl 格式轉換為 CSV 格式的腳本,最后我寫了一行來包含 csv 文件的 header 以識別每個轉換的變量。 However, it seems that the CSV file generated from the script seems to have a header for each json line read, and I want just a file that has the header on row 1 with the rest of the values below, instead of a separate header for每個單獨的 json 行讀取。 我希望有人可以幫助我解決這個問題,謝謝!

示例 jsonl:

{"symbol": "DOGE-PERP", "timestamp": 1621948955550, "datetime": "2021-05-25T13:22:35.550Z", "high": null, "low": null, "bid": 0.342372, "bidVolume": null, "ask": 0.3424855, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": null, "close": 0.3424025, "last": 0.3424025, "previousClose": null, "change": null, "percentage": 0.039249281423858244, "average": null, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 433162290.0506585, "info": {"name": "DOGE-PERP", "enabled": true, "postOnly": false, "priceIncrement": "5e-7", "sizeIncrement": "1.0", "minProvideSize": "1.0", "last": "0.3424025", "bid": "0.342372", "ask": "0.3424855", "price": "0.3424025", "type": "future", "baseCurrency": null, "quoteCurrency": null, "underlying": "DOGE", "restricted": false, "highLeverageFeeExempt": false, "change1h": "0.023470298206100425", "change24h": "0.039249281423858244", "changeBod": "-0.07136396489976689", "quoteVolume24h": "433162290.0506585", "volumeUsd24h": "433162290.0506585"}}
{"symbol": "DOGE-PERP", "timestamp": 1621948955976, "datetime": "2021-05-25T13:22:35.976Z", "high": null, "low": null, "bid": 0.3424955, "bidVolume": null, "ask": 0.3427185, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": null, "close": 0.3427185, "last": 0.3427185, "previousClose": null, "change": null, "percentage": 0.04020839466903005, "average": null, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 433162290.0506585, "info": {"name": "DOGE-PERP", "enabled": true, "postOnly": false, "priceIncrement": "5e-7", "sizeIncrement": "1.0", "minProvideSize": "1.0", "last": "0.3427185", "bid": "0.3424955", "ask": "0.3427185", "price": "0.3427185", "type": "future", "baseCurrency": null, "quoteCurrency": null, "underlying": "DOGE", "restricted": false, "highLeverageFeeExempt": false, "change1h": "0.024414849178225707", "change24h": "0.04020839466903005", "changeBod": "-0.07050693556414092", "quoteVolume24h": "433162290.0506585", "volumeUsd24h": "433162290.0506585"}}

CSV 文件目前的樣子: 在此處輸入圖像描述

我想要達到的目標: 在此處輸入圖像描述


import glob
import json
import csv

import time

start = time.time()
#import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten

#Path of jsonl file
File_path = (r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\JSONL')
#reading all jsonl files
files = [f for f in glob.glob( File_path + "**/*.jsonl", recursive=True)]
for f in files:
    with open(f, 'r') as F:
        for line in F:
#flatten json files 
            data = json.loads(line)
#creating csv files  
            with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + f.split("\\")[-1] +".csv", 'a' , newline='') as csv_file:
                thewriter = csv.writer(csv_file)
                thewriter.writerow(["symbol", "timestamp", "datetime","high","low","bid","bidVolume","ask","askVolume","vwap","open","close","last","previousClose","change","percentage","average","baseVolume","quoteVolume"])
#headers should be the Key values from json files that make Coulmn header                    

在開始解析行之前,您需要將 output CSV 文件open()移動到,例如:

import glob
import json
import csv
import time

start = time.time()
#import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten

#Path of jsonl file
File_path = (r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\JSONL')
#reading all jsonl files
files = [f for f in glob.glob( File_path + "**/*.jsonl", recursive=True)]
i = 0

for f in files:
    with open(f, 'r') as F:
        #creating csv files  
        with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + f.split("\\")[-1] + ".csv", 'w' , newline='') as csv_file:
            thewriter = csv.writer(csv_file)
            thewriter.writerow(["symbol", "timestamp", "datetime","high","low","bid","bidVolume","ask","askVolume","vwap","open","close","last","previousClose","change","percentage","average","baseVolume","quoteVolume"])

            for line in F:
                #flatten json files 
                data = json.loads(line)
                data_1 = flatten(data)
                #headers should be the Key values from json files that make Column header                    

在您的代碼中,您將打開和關閉每一行的文件,並且每次都添加 header。


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