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如何在 object 的數組中解碼嵌套的 JSON object?

[英]How to decode a nested JSON object in an array in an object?

我需要在嵌套的 JSON 深處檢索數據,但這樣做有很多麻煩。 有問題的文件可以在https://waterservices.usgs.gov/nwis/iv/?format=json&indent=on&sites=08155200&parameterCd=00065&siteStatus=all 找到

// MARK: - Post
struct Post: Codable {
    let name, declaredType, scope: String?
    let value: PostValue?
    let postNil, globalScope, typeSubstituted: Bool?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case name, declaredType, scope, value
        case postNil
        case globalScope, typeSubstituted

// MARK: - PostValue
struct PostValue: Codable {
    let queryInfo: QueryInfo?
    let timeSeries: [TimeSery]?

// MARK: - QueryInfo
struct QueryInfo: Codable {
    let queryURL: String?
    let criteria: Criteria?
    let note: [Note]?

// MARK: - Criteria
struct Criteria: Codable {
    let locationParam, variableParam: String?
    let parameter: [JSONAny]?

// MARK: - Note
struct Note: Codable {
    let value, title: String?

// MARK: - TimeSery
struct TimeSery: Codable {
    let sourceInfo: SourceInfo?
//    let variable: Variable?
//    let values: [TimeSeryValue]?
    let name: String?

// MARK: - SourceInfo
struct SourceInfo: Codable {
    let siteName: String?
//    let siteCode: [SiteCode]?
//    let timeZoneInfo: TimeZoneInfo?
    let geoLocation: GeoLocation?
    let note, siteType: [JSONAny]?
//    let siteProperty: [SiteProperty]?

// MARK: - GeoLocation
struct GeoLocation: Codable {
    let geogLocation: GeogLocation?
    let localSiteXY: [JSONAny]?

// MARK: - GeogLocation
struct GeogLocation: Codable {
    let srs: String?
    let latitude, longitude: Double?


URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, _ in
    if let data = data {
        let posts = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Post.self, from: data)
        if let coord = (posts.value?.timeSeries?.sourceInfo?.geoLocation?.geogLocation?.srs) {


error: ParseJSON.playground:330:89: error: type of expression is ambiguous without more context

timeSeries被定義為[TimeSery] ,這意味着它是一個數組,但您試圖訪問它,就好像它只是一個值一樣。 由於我不確定您的意圖是什么,因此很難說確切的修復方法是什么,但一種可能性是從中訪問第first值(相當於要求[0] ,但它返回一個 Optional):




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