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我有一個帶有許多變量的 function。 如何在另一個 function 中使用它們?

[英]I have a function with many variables. How do I use them in another function?

var min = document.getElementById("minutes");
var sec = document.getElementById("second");
//sets a time interval to repeat. 
setInterval(() => { //function() is the same as () => {} or () =>
    let d = new Date(); //creating a variable to get the Time
    let h = d.getHours(); //creating a variable to get hours and so on..
    let m = d.getMinutes();
    let s = d.getSeconds();
    var Hours = 30*h+m/2+s/120;//calculating
    var Minutes = 6*m+s/10;
    var Seconds = 6*s;

    hou.style.transform = `rotate(${Hours}deg)`;
    min.style.transform = `rotate(${Minutes}deg)`;
    sec.style.transform = `rotate(${Seconds}deg)`;

function setAlarm(){
    let h = document.getElementById("h");
    let m = document.getElementById("m");
    let s = document.getElementById("s");
    if (h.innerHTML==Hours){

如果 setAlarm () function 中的變量h的值等於setInterval()中的Hours變量,我想在控制台中打印 true 。 我怎么做?

我不肯定這是你的要求,但我很確定你需要做的就是將變量聲明移出 function 之類的。

var min = document.getElementById("minutes");
var sec = document.getElementById("second");
let Hours;
//sets a time interval to repeat. 
setInterval(() => { //function() is the same as () => {} or () =>
    let d = new Date(); //creating a variable to get the Time
    let h = d.getHours(); //creating a variable to get hours and so on..
    let m = d.getMinutes();
    let s = d.getSeconds();
    Hours = 30*h+m/2+s/120;//calculating
    var Minutes = 6*m+s/10;
    var Seconds = 6*s;

    hou.style.transform = `rotate(${Hours}deg)`;
    min.style.transform = `rotate(${Minutes}deg)`;
    sec.style.transform = `rotate(${Seconds}deg)`;

function setAlarm(){
    let h = document.getElementById("h");
    let m = document.getElementById("m");
    let s = document.getElementById("s");
    if (h=Hours){


如評論中所述,代碼存在一些問題,這是我對您的建議。 不要在不同的函數中使用重復的標識符名稱,因為這可能會使您作為初學者感到困惑。 將需要從多個函數訪問的所有變量名稱移動到全局 scope。

不,但是您可以將變量公開給上 scope 或僅在 setInterval 中調用 setAlarm function。

var min = document.getElementById("minutes");
var sec = document.getElementById("second");
//sets a time interval to repeat. 
setInterval(() => { //function() is the same as () => {} or () =>
    let d = new Date(); //creating a variable to get the Time
    let h = d.getHours(); //creating a variable to get hours and so on..
    let m = d.getMinutes();
    let s = d.getSeconds();
    var Hours = 30*h+m/2+s/120;//calculating
    var Minutes = 6*m+s/10;
    var Seconds = 6*s;

    hou.style.transform = `rotate(${Hours}deg)`;
    min.style.transform = `rotate(${Minutes}deg)`;
    sec.style.transform = `rotate(${Seconds}deg)`;

function setAlarm(Hours){
    let h = document.getElementById("h");
    let m = document.getElementById("m");
    let s = document.getElementById("s");
    if (h == Hours){


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