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如何將 JavaScript 中每個句子的第一個單詞大寫

[英]How to Capitalize first word of Every Sentence in JavaScript

我想要使用 JavaScript 大寫的所有句子的第一個字母,就像在每個句點 (.) 之后的第一個字符是大寫的。


這是第一句話。 這是第二句。 這是第三句話


text = text.replace(/(\.\s)([a-z])/g, (_, punctuation, char) => {
    return punctuation + char.toUpperCase();

正則表達式與兩個捕獲組一起使用, String.prototype.replace與替換 function 一起使用。

 const txt = "this is the first sentence. this is the second sentence. this is the third sentence"; const _txt = txt.split('.'); // split the the text into array by "." const _finalText = []; for(const tx of _txt) { //loop through the array const _tx = tx.trim(); //trim the element since some will contain space. const fl = _tx[0].toUpperCase(); //take the first character of the sentence and capitalize it. _finalText.push(fl+_tx.substr(1)) //push the result of the concatenation of the first letter(fl) and remaining letters without the first letter into the array; } console.log(_finalText.join('. ')) // This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence

 let mySentences = "this is the first sentence. this is the second sentence. this is the third sentence" let newSentences = ""; // You can use this simple code mySentences.split(".").map(elem => newSentences += (elem.trim().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + elem.trim().slice(1, elem.length) + ".")) console.log(newSentences)


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