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如何通過 cgo/JNA 傳遞 Java 字符串數組 []String to Go

[英]How to pass a Java string array []String to Go via cgo/JNA

我想通過 JNA 將 Java 中的 String[] 傳遞給我的 Go 函數。

我的 go 函數具有以下簽名:

func PredicateEval(keys, values []string, expression string) *C.char

我已將鏈接模式的 go 庫編譯為“c-shared”。 我在 Java 中有一個GoString定義為:

package predicates;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
 * <i>native declaration : coverage_server/predicate_jvm_bridge/lib/libtest.h</i><br>
 * This file was autogenerated by <a href="http://jnaerator.googlecode.com/">JNAerator</a>,<br>
 * a tool written by <a href="http://ochafik.com/">Olivier Chafik</a> that <a href="http://code.google.com/p/jnaerator/wiki/CreditsAndLicense">uses a few opensource projects.</a>.<br>
 * For help, please visit <a href="http://nativelibs4java.googlecode.com/">NativeLibs4Java</a> , <a href="http://rococoa.dev.java.net/">Rococoa</a>, or <a href="http://jna.dev.java.net/">JNA</a>.
public class _GoString_ extends Structure {
    /** C type : const char* */
    public Pointer p;
    public NativeSize n;
    public _GoString_() {
    protected List<String> getFieldOrder() {
        return Arrays.asList("p", "n");
    /** @param p C type : const char* */
    public _GoString_(Pointer p, NativeSize n) {
        this.p = p;
        this.n = n;
    public static class ByReference extends _GoString_ implements Structure.ByReference {
    public static class ByValue extends _GoString_ implements Structure.ByValue {

我還有一個 Go 切片定義為:

package predicates;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
 * <i>native declaration : coverage_server/predicate_jvm_bridge/lib/libtest.h</i><br>
 * This file was autogenerated by <a href="http://jnaerator.googlecode.com/">JNAerator</a>,<br>
 * a tool written by <a href="http://ochafik.com/">Olivier Chafik</a> that <a href="http://code.google.com/p/jnaerator/wiki/CreditsAndLicense">uses a few opensource projects.</a>.<br>
 * For help, please visit <a href="http://nativelibs4java.googlecode.com/">NativeLibs4Java</a> , <a href="http://rococoa.dev.java.net/">Rococoa</a>, or <a href="http://jna.dev.java.net/">JNA</a>.
public class GoSlice extends Structure {
    /** C type : void* */
    public Pointer data;
    /** C type : GoInt */
    public long len;
    /** C type : GoInt */
    public long cap;
    public GoSlice() {
    protected List<String> getFieldOrder() {
        return Arrays.asList("data", "len", "cap");
     * @param data C type : void*<br>
     * @param len C type : GoInt<br>
     * @param cap C type : GoInt
    public GoSlice(Pointer data, long len, long cap) {
        this.data = data;
        this.len = len;
        this.cap = cap;
    public static class ByReference extends GoSlice implements Structure.ByReference {
    public static class ByValue extends GoSlice implements Structure.ByValue {

這是我嘗試將 Java []String 轉換為 Go string[]。

  static {
    try {
      Field field = sun.misc.Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
      unsafe = (sun.misc.Unsafe) field.get(null);
      Class<?> clazz = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0).getClass();
      DIRECT_BYTE_BUFFER_ADDRESS_OFFSET = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Buffer.class.getDeclaredField("address"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AssertionError(e);

  private static long getAddress(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    assert buffer.getClass() == DIRECT_BYTE_BUFFER_CLASS;
    return unsafe.getLong(buffer, DIRECT_BYTE_BUFFER_ADDRESS_OFFSET);

  public static _GoString_.ByValue JavaStringToGo(String jstr) {
    try {
      byte[] bytes = jstr.getBytes("utf-8");
      //ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.length);
      Pointer p = new Pointer(getAddress(bb));
      _GoString_.ByValue value = new _GoString_.ByValue();

      value.n = new NativeSize(bytes.length);
      value.p = p;
      return value;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
  public static GoSlice.ByValue JavaStringArrayToGoStringSlice(String[] strings) {
    _GoString_.ByValue[] goStrings = new _GoString_.ByValue[strings.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
      goStrings[i] = JavaStringToGo(strings[i]);

    Memory arr = new Memory(strings.length * Native.getNativeSize(_GoString_.class));
    for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
      byte[] bytes = goStrings[0].getPointer().getByteArray(0, Native.getNativeSize(_GoString_.class));
      arr.write(i*Native.getNativeSize(_GoString_.class), bytes, 0, bytes.length);
    GoSlice.ByValue slice = new GoSlice.ByValue();
    slice.data = arr;
    slice.len = strings.length;
    slice.cap = strings.length;

    return slice;

一切都可以編譯,但是當我嘗試訪問 Go 端的切片元素時,出現了段錯誤:

unexpected fault address 0xb01dfacedebac1e
fatal error: fault
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0xb01dfacedebac1e pc=0x10d7d3d6f]

goroutine 17 [running, locked to thread]:


您對_GoString_映射僅包括指針(4 或 8 字節)和NativeSize (4 或 8 字節size_t )的分配。 此映射假定Pointer保持有效:

public class _GoString_ extends Structure {
    /** C type : const char* */
    public Pointer p;
    public NativeSize n;
    // constructors, etc.


  public static _GoString_.ByValue JavaStringToGo(String jstr) {
    try {
      byte[] bytes = jstr.getBytes("utf-8");
      // Here you allocate memory for the bytes
      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.length);
      // Here you only keep track of the pointer to the bytes
      Pointer p = new Pointer(getAddress(bb));
      // You never reference bb again, it is no longer reachable
      // and its allocation can be reclaimed by the system
      _GoString_.ByValue value = new _GoString_.ByValue();

      value.n = new NativeSize(bytes.length);
      value.p = p;
      return value;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

作為直接字節緩沖區,內存位置和(解除)分配機制與普通對象和 GC 不同,但基本原則適用,一旦您失去對 Java 對象( ByteBuffer )的引用,您將無法控制該本地對象何時內存將被釋放。 (當bb被 GC 處理時,其內部字段包括在處理時將觸發釋放的引用。)


另一種解決方案是將 JNA 的Memory類用於字符串,並將該Memory對象(擴展Pointer )直接存儲到p字段。 我不確定您為什么為此應用程序選擇了直接字節緩沖區,因此這可能不適用於您的用例,但它肯定會簡化您的代碼。


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