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從 VBA 宏代碼循環中排除一張紙

[英]Exclude one sheet from being looped through by VBA Macro code

我想從代碼中的循環中排除 1 個工作表,我該如何添加/執行該操作? 我想通過代碼(“WB 郵件列表”)運行我的郵件列表。 我嘗試了在不同論壇中找到的幾個不同的建議,但似乎沒有一個真正適合我。 有沒有一種簡單易行的方法來排除一張紙被循環穿過? 我是 vba 新手,所以真的可以使用幫助! 謝謝!

Option Explicit
Sub Main_AllWorksheets()
Dim sh As Worksheet, i As Long, shtsRotations As String
Dim shtsFunctions As String, shtsOK As String
Dim shtsManufacture As String

For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

    If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("O3:O70"), "<1") > 0 Then
        shtsRotations = shtsRotations & vbLf & sh.Name
        shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Rotations)"
    End If

    If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("P3:P70"), "<1") > 0 Then
        shtsFunctions = shtsFunctions & vbLf & sh.Name
        shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Functions)"
    End If

     If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("Q3:Q70"), "<1") > 0 Then
        shtsManufacture = shtsManufacture & vbLf & sh.Name
        shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Manufacturing Date)"
    End If

Next sh
 Dim myDataRng As Range

Set myDataRng = Worksheets("WB Mailing List").Range("A1:Z100" & Cells(Rows.Count, "S").End(xlUp).Row)

Dim cell As Range
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim sMail_ids As String

For Each cell In myDataRng
    If Trim(sMail_ids) = "" Then
        sMail_ids = cell.Offset(1, 0).Value
        sMail_ids = sMail_ids & vbCrLf & ";" & cell.Offset(1, 0).Value
    End If
Next cell

Set myDataRng = Nothing         ' Clear the range.

If Len(shtsRotations) > 0 Then
    SendReminderMail sMail_ids, "Equipment rotations are due!", _
           "Hello Team, " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Check customer sheets: " & shtsRotations & vbLf & vbNewLine & _
           "In the attatched workbook, you can see what equipment needs to be rotated by the red dates, indicating their last rotation."

End If

If Len(shtsFunctions) > 0 Then
    SendReminderMail sMail_ids, "Equipment functions are due! ", _
           "Hello Team, " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Check customer sheets: " & shtsFunctions & vbLf & vbNewLine & _
           "In the attatched workbook, you can see what equipment needs to be functioned by the red dates, indicating their last function."
End If

If Len(shtsManufacture) > 0 Then
    SendReminderMail sMail_ids, "Manufacturing date has surpassed 3 years!", _
           "Hello Team, " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
           "Check customer sheets: " & shtsRotations & vbLf & vbNewLine & _
           "In the attatched workbook, you can see what equipment has reached it's 3 years past manufacturing."
End If

If Len(shtsOK) > 0 Then
    MsgBox "These sheets are OK: " & vbLf & shtsOK, vbInformation
End If

 End Sub

您應該按名稱或 ID 捕捉工作表以跳過它。

  • 在 For ... 之后添加這一行

    如果不是 sh.Name="WB Mailing List" Then ... End If

請將您的 For 語句更改為:

 For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If Not sh.Name="WB Mailing List" Then
      If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("O3:O70"), "<1") > 0 Then
          shtsRotations = shtsRotations & vbLf & sh.Name
          shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Rotations)"
      End If

      If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("P3:P70"), "<1") > 0 Then
          shtsFunctions = shtsFunctions & vbLf & sh.Name
          shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Functions)"
      End If

      If Application.CountIf(sh.Range("Q3:Q70"), "<1") > 0 Then
          shtsManufacture = shtsManufacture & vbLf & sh.Name
          shtsOK = shtsOK & vbLf & sh.Name & " (Manufacturing Date)"
      End If
   End if
Next sh


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