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如何在 flutter 中為 slider 中的拇指圖標賦予矩形形狀?

[英]How to give rectangular shape to the thumb icon in slider in flutter?

我正在學習 flutter。我使用 Slider class 創建 slider(在 android 中稱為 Seekbar),在這里我想將拇指圖標更改為矩形,是否可能,請讓我知道對此有任何解決方案嗎?

                      trackShape: CustomTrackShape(),
                      thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(
                        enabledThumbRadius: 15,
                        disabledThumbRadius: 5,

                  child: Slider(
                    inactiveColor: Colors.black12,
                    value: _sliderValue,
                    min: 5000,
                    max: 500000,
                    divisions: 1000,
                    label: _sliderValue.round().toString(),
                    onChanged: (value) {
                      setState(() {
                        _sliderValue = value;
                        print("slider value" + _sliderValue.toString());
                        // _amountController.text = value.floor().toString();
                        _amountController.text =
                        // print("amount controller value" + _amountController.text);


** 我想要下面的類型 **


您可以使用SliderComponentShape創建自定義thumbShape 在我的實現中,我只是修改了默認RoundSliderThumbShape中的繪畫。

class RectSliderThumbShape extends SliderComponentShape {
  /// Create a slider thumb that draws a Rect.
  const RectSliderThumbShape({
    this.enabledThumbRadius = 10.0,
    this.elevation = 1.0,
    this.pressedElevation = 6.0,

  /// The preferred radius of the round thumb shape when the slider is enabled.
  /// If it is not provided, then the Material Design default of 10 is used.
  final double enabledThumbRadius;

  /// The preferred radius of the round thumb shape when the slider is disabled.
  /// If no disabledRadius is provided, then it is equal to the
  /// [enabledThumbRadius]
  final double? disabledThumbRadius;
  double get _disabledThumbRadius => disabledThumbRadius ?? enabledThumbRadius;

  /// The resting elevation adds shadow to the unpressed thumb.
  /// The default is 1.
  /// Use 0 for no shadow. The higher the value, the larger the shadow. For
  /// example, a value of 12 will create a very large shadow.
  final double elevation;

  /// The pressed elevation adds shadow to the pressed thumb.
  /// The default is 6.
  /// Use 0 for no shadow. The higher the value, the larger the shadow. For
  /// example, a value of 12 will create a very large shadow.
  final double pressedElevation;

  Size getPreferredSize(bool isEnabled, bool isDiscrete) {
    return Size.fromRadius(isEnabled == true ? enabledThumbRadius : _disabledThumbRadius);

  void paint(
      PaintingContext context,
      Offset center, {
        required Animation<double> activationAnimation,
        required Animation<double> enableAnimation,
        required bool isDiscrete,
        required TextPainter labelPainter,
        required RenderBox parentBox,
        required SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
        required TextDirection textDirection,
        required double value,
        required double textScaleFactor,
        required Size sizeWithOverflow,
      }) {
    assert(context != null);
    assert(center != null);
    assert(enableAnimation != null);
    assert(sliderTheme != null);
    assert(sliderTheme.disabledThumbColor != null);
    assert(sliderTheme.thumbColor != null);

    final Canvas canvas = context.canvas;
    final Tween<double> radiusTween = Tween<double>(
      begin: _disabledThumbRadius,
      end: enabledThumbRadius,
    final ColorTween colorTween = ColorTween(
      begin: sliderTheme.disabledThumbColor,
      end: sliderTheme.thumbColor,

    final Color color = colorTween.evaluate(enableAnimation)!;
    final double radius = radiusTween.evaluate(enableAnimation);

    final Tween<double> elevationTween = Tween<double>(
      begin: elevation,
      end: pressedElevation,

    final double evaluatedElevation = elevationTween.evaluate(activationAnimation);
    final Path path = Path()
      ..addArc(Rect.fromCenter(center: center, width: 2 * radius, height: 2 * radius), 0, math.pi * 2);

    bool paintShadows = true;
    assert(() {
      if (debugDisableShadows) {
        paintShadows = false;
      return true;

    if (paintShadows) {
      canvas.drawShadow(path, Colors.black, evaluatedElevation, true);

    // Use drawRect instead of drawCircle
    canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromCircle(center: center, radius: radius),
      Paint()..color = color,

然后在SliderTheme.thumbShape上使用 RectSliderThumbShape

  data: const SliderThemeData(
    thumbColor: Colors.green,
    thumbShape: RectSliderThumbShape()
  child: Slider(
    value: _currentSliderValue,
    max: 100,
    divisions: 5,
    label: _currentSliderValue.round().toString(),
    onChanged: (double value) {
      setState(() {
        _currentSliderValue = value;




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