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[英]How to alert user directly after prompt rather than after they answer all three prompts?


  1. 如何在用戶回答一個問題后直接提醒他們,而不是在他們回答所有三個問題后提醒他們三次?
  2. 有沒有辦法讓我跟蹤用戶正確回答的頻率,並在測驗結束時給用戶一個總分? 不需要給我確切的代碼,只需輕輕推一下我應該看的地方:)


<!DOCTYPE html>


<p id="target"></p>

<button id="buttonclick" type="submit">Click me</button>


var questionOne = prompt("What is 2+2?", '');
var questionTwo = prompt("What is 1+1?", '');
var questionThree = prompt("What is 3+3?",'');

if (questionOne = 4) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

if (questionTwo = 2) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

if (questionThree = 6) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");


if (prompt("What is 2+2?", '') == 4) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

if (prompt("What is 1+1?", '') == 2) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

if (prompt("What is 3+3?",'') == 6) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

另一種選擇是創建一個 function 來為您創建號碼,因此您不必復制粘貼提示。

const ask = () => {
    const n1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
  const n2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
  if (prompt(`What is ${n1}+${n2}?`, '') == n1 + n2) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
  } else {
      alert("You got the question wrong!");


也許試試這個? 我沒有測試過:


var questionOne = prompt("What is 2+2?", '');

if (questionOne = 4) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

var questionTwo = prompt("What is 1+1?", '');

if (questionTwo = 2) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");

var questionThree = prompt("What is 3+3?",'');

if (questionThree = 6) {
    alert("You got the question right!");
} else {
    alert("You got the question wrong!");



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