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[英]jQuery advice: How can I improve this function for scrolling elements into view?

我創建了一個函數,該函數可將給定的子元素滾動到其父元素內的視圖中。 內容如下:

function keepScrolledOver( elem )
    frame = elem.parent();

    var scrollPos = frame.scrollTop();
    var offset = elem.attr( "offsetTop" );

    // If the element is scrolled too high...
    if( offset < scrollPos )
        frame.scrollTop( offset );
        // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offset );

    // If the element is scrolled too low...
        var frameHeight = frame.height();
        var offsetBottom = offset + elem.height();
        var scrollBottom = scrollPos + frameHeight;

        if( offsetBottom > scrollBottom )
            // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offsetBottom );
            if( frameHeight < offsetBottom )
                frame.scrollTop( offsetBottom - frameHeight );
                // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offsetBottom - frameHeight );

到目前為止,對於我的Firefox Web應用程序(到目前為止,我已經在Firefox上對其進行了全部測試),這很好用。 唯一的問題是,對於滾動得太低的元素,它總是傾向於只滾動一點點越過目標元素,而不是一直滾動到其末尾。 我不確定元素填充是否與之相關,或者我的數學是否糟透了。


假設frame元素及其子元素相對放置,則如果元素太高將觸發的代碼部分效果很好。 如果不是,則使用絕對偏移量,它將不起作用。

至於如果元素太低會觸發的部分,我假設當您說“它總是傾向於只滾動一點到目標元素而不是一直滾動到它的末尾”時,您所指的是該元素如果框架小於其偏移量,則將被切除。 請嘗試以下操作:

// If the frame is less than or equal to the element's height
if( frameHeight <= elem.attr('height') ){
   //Scroll to it's offsetBottom - the total frameHeight, so that the full element will be displayed
   frame.scrollTop( offsetBottom - frameHeight ); 
}else {
   //Else, the element's height is less than the frame, so the entire element will be displayed if we just scroll to the element's offsetBottom.
   frame.scrollTop( offsetBottom );

我創建了一個HTML演示頁,如下所示,沒有遇到任何其他問題。 嘗試使用元素的高度,看看是否可以打破它。 我使用Firefox 3.5,一切都很棒。

    <button id="buttonTest1">Slide to Test1</button> <button id="buttonTest2">Slide to Test2</button>
<div style="position:relative;width:100%;height:620px;overflow:scroll;">
    <div style="position:relative;height:50px;"></div>
    <div id="childSlide1" style="width:50px;height:50px;position:relative;">Test</div>
    <div id="childSlide2" style="width:50px;height:50px;position:relative;top:850px;">Test2</div>

    function keepScrolledOver( elem ){
        var frame = elem.parent();

        var scrollPos = frame.scrollTop();
        var offset = elem.attr( "offsetTop" );
        alert ('scrollPos: '+scrollPos+' offset: '+offset);
        //var jQoffset = elem.offset();
        //alert ('jQoffset: '+jQoffset.top+' '+jQoffset.left);
        // If the element is scrolled too high...
        if( offset < scrollPos )
                alert ('scrollPos '+scrollPos+' is bigger than offset '+offset);
                frame.scrollTop( offset );
                // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offset );

        // If the element is scrolled too low...
                var frameHeight = frame.height();
                var offsetBottom = offset + elem.height();
                var scrollBottom = scrollPos + frameHeight;
                alert('frameHeight: '+frameHeight+' offsetBottom: '+offsetBottom+' scrollBottom: '+scrollBottom);

                if( offsetBottom > scrollBottom )
                        // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offsetBottom );
                        if( frameHeight <= elem.attr('height') )
                            frame.scrollTop( offsetBottom - frameHeight );
                            // frame.attr( "scrollTop", offsetBottom - frameHeight );
                        }else {
                            frame.scrollTop( offsetBottom );

        var scrollElement = $('#childSlide1');

        var scrollElement = $('#childSlide2');


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