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Telnet 命令進入(通過,內部)SSH 會話

[英]Telnet commands into (through, inside) SSH session

我有一個任務:通過 ssh 會話執行 telnet 命令。


  1. 使用 JSch 在遠程 SSH 會話上運行 telnet 命令
  2. 通過 SSH 遠程登錄
  3. 使用 JSch 在遠程 SSH 會話上運行 telnet 命令后執行掛起

我寫了代碼(使用 lib https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.jcraft/jsch ):

  1. 類 Ssh:

    公共類 Ssh { 私有最終字符串用戶; 私人最終字符串密碼; 私人最終字符串主機;

     public Ssh(String user, String password, String host) { this.USER = user; this.PASSWORD = password; this.HOST = host; } public Session runSsh() { try { Session session = new JSch().getSession(USER, HOST, 22); session.setPassword(PASSWORD); // It must not be recommended, but if you want to skip host-key check, session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); session.connect(3000); return session; } catch (JSchException e) { System.out.println(e); } return null; }


  2. 類 Telnet

    公共類 Telnet {

     public String runCommand(Session session, String command) throws Exception { Channel channel = session.openChannel("shell"); channel.connect(3000); DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(channel.getOutputStream()); outputStream.writeBytes("telnet localhost 5000\\r\\n"); outputStream.writeBytes(command + "\\r\\n"); outputStream.writeBytes("exit\\r\\n"); outputStream.flush(); DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(channel.getInputStream()); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); channel.setInputStream(inputStream, true); String line = reader.readLine(); String result = line +"\\n"; while (!(line= reader.readLine()).equals("exit")){ result += line +"\\n"; } result += "Connection closed by foreign host"; outputStream.close(); inputStream.close(); channel.disconnect(); session.disconnect(); return result; }


  3. 班級主要


     public static void main(String[] arg) { Ssh ssh = new Ssh("user","password","ip-server"); Telnet telnet = new Telnet(); try { Session sessionSsh = ssh.runSsh(); String result = telnet.runCommand(sessionSsh, "H"); System.out.println(result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }



telnet localhost 5000

Entering character mode

Escape character is '^]'.

 Command Shell 1 on intelpc-1 (Port: 5000)

 b01_1_1 (5000) >

Connection closed by foreign host

Process finished with exit code 0

我沒有看到執行命令 telnet 的結果...

我通過 telnet 做了不同的命令:

- H
- u s3


請告訴我。 如何獲取telnet命令執行的結果?

我調試了您的示例,就我而言,我需要等待您通過 telnet 連接的程序,直到它准備好接收命令。

在第二步中,您可以發送您的命令和退出命令來停止 telnet,因此您正在從流中讀取數據,直到它通過說“連接關閉...”而停止。 請注意,從 telnet 退出可以有不同的命令,有些使用quit ,有些使用exit或只等待終止信號。

 class Telnet {

        public String runCommand(Session session, String command) throws Exception {
            Channel channel = session.openChannel("shell");

            DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(channel.getOutputStream());

            outputStream.writeBytes("telnet localhost 16379\r\n");

            DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(channel.getInputStream());
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

            channel.setInputStream(inputStream, true);

            // Read until we are ready to write
            String line;
            while (!(line= reader.readLine()).equals("Escape character is '^]'.")){

            // write command and exit telnet
            outputStream.writeBytes(command + "\r\n");

            // read until telnet has closed
            String result = "";
            while (!(line= reader.readLine()).equals("Connection closed by foreign host.")){
                result += line +"\n";


            return result;

最后,還有其他無需 telnet 的通信方式,即本地端口轉發。


我按照 Matthias Wiedemann 的建議使用了 SSH 隧道https://www.ssh.com/academy/ssh/tunneling/example


1 步。 通過 SSH 連接並創建會話 SSH

SSH ssh = new SSH(user, password, host, port);
Session session = SSHUtil.createSession(ssh);

2 步。 使用 SSH 創建隧道

SSHUtil.createChannel(session, outputConsole);
SSHUtil.createSshTunnel(session, port);

3 步。 通過 Telnet 連接並使用隧道端口執行 Telnet 命令(端口變為 9999,而不是 5000)。

clientForTelnet = new ClientForTelnet(new Telnet(host, port));

outputConsole 是 PrintStream。



public class SSHUtil{

    private final static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(SSHUtil.class);

    public static Session createSession(SSH ssh) {
        Session session = null;
        try {
            session = new JSch().getSession(ssh.getUSER(), ssh.getHOST().getIp(), ssh.getPORT().getPort());
            session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); // It must not be recommended, but if you want to skip host-key check
            LOGGER.info("SSH session created");
        } catch (JSchException e) {
            LOGGER.error("SSH session not created " + e);
        return session;

    public static Channel createChannel(Session session, PrintStream output) {
        Channel channel = null;
        try {
            channel = session.openChannel("shell");
            //  streamOut = channel.getOutputStream();

            LOGGER.info("SSH channel created");
        } catch (JSchException e) {
            LOGGER.error("SSH channel not created " + e);
        return channel;

    public static void createSshTunnel(Session session, Port port) {
        // TODO сделать пул портов, чтобы исключить вероятность, что порт 9999 занят
        try {
            session.setPortForwardingL(9999, session.getHost(), port.getPort());
            LOGGER.info("Tunnel created localhost:" + 9999 + " -> " + session.getHost() + ":" + port.getPort());
        } catch (JSchException e) {
            LOGGER.error("SSH tunnel not created " + e);

    public static void disconnect(Session session) {
        if (session != null && session.isConnected()) {

  1. 公共類 TelnetUtil {
    private final static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(TelnetUtil.class);

    public static String connect(ClientForTelnet clientForTelnet) {
        try {
            // Connect to the server
            clientForTelnet.getTc().connect(clientForTelnet.getTelnet().getHOST().getIp(), clientForTelnet.getTelnet().getPORT().getPort());

            // Get input and output stream references
            clientForTelnet.setOut(new PrintStream(clientForTelnet.getTc().getOutputStream()));
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return readUntil(clientForTelnet.getPrompt(), clientForTelnet.getIn());

    public static String readUntil(String pattern, InputStream in) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        try {
            char lastChar = pattern.charAt(pattern.length() - 1);
            boolean found = false;
            char ch = (char) in.read();
            while (true) {
           //     System.out.print(ch);
                if (ch == lastChar) {
                    if (sb.toString().endsWith(pattern)) {
                        return sb.toString();
                ch = (char) in.read();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return sb.toString();

    public static void write(String value, PrintStream out) {

    public static String sendCommand(ClientForTelnet clientForTelnet, String command) {
        write(command, clientForTelnet.getOut());
        return readUntil(clientForTelnet.getPrompt(), clientForTelnet.getIn());

    public static void disconnect(TelnetClient tc) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

  1. 公共類 SSH { 私有最終字符串用戶; 私人最終字符串密碼; 私人最終主機 HOST; 私有最終端口 PORT;

     private final Port DEFAULT_PORT = new Port(22); public SSH(String user, String password, Host host, Port port) { this.USER = user; this.PASSWORD = password; this.HOST = host; this.PORT = port; } public SSH(String user, String password, Host host) { this.USER = user; this.PASSWORD = password; this.HOST = host; this.PORT = DEFAULT_PORT; } public String getUSER() { return USER; } public String getPASSWORD() { return PASSWORD; } public Host getHOST() { return HOST; } public Port getPORT() { return PORT; }


  2. 公共類 Telnet {

     private final Host HOST; private final Port PORT; private final Port DEFAULT_PORT = new Port(5000); public Telnet(Host host, Port port) { this.HOST = host; this.PORT = port; } public Telnet(Host host) { this.HOST = host; this.PORT = DEFAULT_PORT; } public Host getHOST() { return HOST; } public Port getPORT() { return PORT; }


  3. 公共類 ClientForTelnet {

     private final TelnetClient TC = new TelnetClient(); private final String PROMT = ">"; private final Telnet TELNET; private InputStream in; private PrintStream out; public ClientForTelnet(Telnet telnet) { this.TELNET = telnet; } public InputStream getIn() { return in; } public PrintStream getOut() { return out; } public Telnet getTelnet() { return TELNET; } public String getPrompt() { return PROMT; } public TelnetClient getTc() { return TC; } public void setIn(InputStream in) { this.in = in; } public void setOut(PrintStream out) { this.out = out; }


public class Host {

    private final static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Host.class);

    private String ip;

    public Host(String ip) {
        this.ip = ip;

    public String getIp() {
        return ip;



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