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[英]Simple Encryption program array

構建一個簡單的程序,將字符串中字符的 ASCII 值乘以 3 進行加密,然后除以 3 進行解密。 到目前為止,我已經了解了加密部分,但是每當我輸入加密內容並嘗試解密時,它都不起作用。 我認為這與緩沖區 stream 有關,但如果有人可以提供幫助,我可能是錯的。

using namespace std;

int main()
string message;
int charValue;
int counter;
int encrypt;
char choice;
char quit = 'N';

while (quit == 'N')
    cout << "Enter E to encrypt or D to Decrypt\n";
    cin >> choice;

    cout << "Enter text no spaces: ";
    cin >> message;

    int messagelen = message.length();
    string stringArray[255];

    if (choice == 'E')
        for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++) //*3 to ascii val
            stringArray[counter] = message[counter] * 3;

        for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++)
            cout << stringArray[counter];
        for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++) // divide 3 to ascii val
            stringArray[counter] = message[counter] / 3;

        for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++)
            cout << stringArray[counter];
    cout << "\nY to go again N to quit";
    cin >> quit;

return 0;

它將真正幫助您將其分解為更小的問題。 讓我們將std::string “加密”為std::vector<int>

std::vector<int> encrypt_msg(std::string s) {
    std::vector<int> v;

    for (auto ch = s.begin(); ch != s.end(); ch++) {
        v.push_back(static_cast<int>(*ch) * 3);

    return v;


std::string decrypt_msg(std::vector<int> v) {
    std::string s;

    for (auto i : v) {
        s += static_cast<char>(i / 3);

    return s;


這是一個可行的實現,盡管我同意您應該使用encryptdecrypt功能的其他答案。 我在您的代碼中發現了很多其他錯誤。 您應該使用-Wall -Werror啟用所有警告並修復它們:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

int main()
  // removed some unused variables
  std::string message;
  size_t counter;
  char choice;
  char quit;
  // use vector of int instead of array of strings
  std::vector<int> encryptArray;

  // change to do while loop. Not particularly necessary, but I think
  // it makes more sense in this case. Your condition is broken. If the
  // user enters 'Y' at the end to go again, then the quit == 'N'
  // condition is false and the program terminates.
    std::cout << "Enter E to encrypt or D to Decrypt\n";
    std::cin >> choice;
    // toupper returns a value, you need to assign it to choice.
    // Not capturing the return value makes this a noop.
    choice = toupper(choice);

    if (choice == 'E')
      std::cout << "Enter text no spaces: ";
      std::cin >> message;

      size_t messagelen = message.length();
      // initialize vector to input message length size
      encryptArray = std::vector<int>(messagelen);

      for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++) //*3 to ascii val
        encryptArray[counter] = message[counter] * 3;

      // Note, this 2nd loop is more work than you need, you could
      // simply put the std::cout line in the loop above below the
      // assignment
      for (counter = 0; counter < messagelen; counter++)
        // added the separator just for clarity. You could also print
        // hex bytes
        std::cout << encryptArray[counter] << "|";
      // all the data we care about is in the vector now
      for (counter = 0; counter < encryptArray.size(); counter++) // divide 3 to ascii val
        // you don't want to /3 what's in the message here, you want
        // to /3 the encrypted values, which are in the vector
        encryptArray[counter] = encryptArray[counter] / 3;
      // plenty of ways to convert the vector to a string, this is not
      // a "modern" way.
      // Note, you could skip this loop entirely, and in the one
      // above, simply do ss << (char)(encryptArray[i] / 3);
      // Not necessary to write the data back to encryptArray first.
      std::stringstream ss;
      for (size_t i=0; i<encryptArray.size(); ++i)
        ss << (char)encryptArray[i];
      std::cout << "decrypted string: " << ss.str() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nY to go again N to quit: ";
    std::cin >> quit;
  } while(quit != 'N'); // loop until quit == N

  return 0;

最后,我刪除了using namespace std; , 這就是為什么

在 godbolt 上使用stdin時事情變得很奇怪,但這是一個有效的演示,至少在最初是這樣。


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