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Java Card JCA 文件轉 CAP 文件名

[英]Java Card JCA file to CAP file name

將 hello.jca 文件轉換為 hello.cap 文件使用

./capgen.bat ".\hello.jca" -o ".\hello.cap"

即使我指定了輸出文件名,輸出文件也始終是 a.jar。

有一種方法可以通過使用capgen.bat工具的-config params.json屬性來實現。

但是,您必須下載並使用至少3.1.0版本的capgen.bat文件,因為即使3.0.5也沒有提到的屬性(見下文)。 這可以通過下載3.1.0 版本的 JavaCard Development Kit Toolsjava_card_tools-win-bin-b_17-06_jul_2021.zip文件來實現。

證明( 3.0.5版本)

PS C:\Users\pc> capgen.bat -version
CapGen [v3.0.5]
    Copyright (c) 1998, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\pc> capgen.bat -help

usage: capgen [-options] filename
where options include:

-help           Print this message and exit.
-nobanner       Do not display informational messages.
-o <filename>   Output filename. default: a.jar
-version        Print version number and exit.

證明( 3.1.0版本)

PS C:\Users\pc> C:\development\code\java_card_tools-win-bin-b_17-06_jul_2021\bin\capgen.bat -version
CapGen [v3.1.0]
    Copyright (c) 1998, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\pc> C:\development\code\java_card_tools-win-bin-b_17-06_jul_2021\bin\capgen.bat -help

usage: capgen [-options] filename
where options include:
-help           Print this message and exit.
-nobanner       Do not display informational messages.
-o <filename>   Output filename. default: a.jar
-version        Print version number and exit.
-config         Run capgen in extended mode. In this case the filename must have .json extension.


    "inputConfig": {
        "CAP_AID": "01:02:03:04:05:10",
        "CAP_name": "helloworld",
        "CAP_version": "1.0",
        "outputDir": "output",
        "debug": true,
        "inputPackages": [{
            "jcainputfile": "helloworld.jca"


C:\development\code\java_card_tools-win-bin-b_17-06_jul_2021\bin\capgen.bat -config .\jca-to-cap.json

helloworld.cap文件出現在.\\output\\helloworld\\javacard目錄中。 您可以使用json文件中的outputDir選項來更改目標文件夾。



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