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Powershell 讓 Groupmembers 進入 Out-GridView

[英]Powershell Get-Groupmembers into Out-GridView

我想使用 Out-GridView 來顯示選定 AD 組的成員。 如果我可以得到所有成員(計算機、其他組、用戶),但至少用戶是強制性的,那就太好了。 我現在有這個代碼:

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Searchbase "OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=int"|
    Select-Object @{n="Group"; e={$_.Name}}, DistinguishedName |Sort-Object "Group"|
    Out-GridView -Title "Select a group, then click OK"  -PassThru
$accounts = Foreach ($group in $groups) {Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.DistinguishedName -Recursive}

$report = Get-ADUser -Identity $account -Properties *|
    Select-Object name, SamAccountName, EmailAddress, EmployeeID, TelephoneNumber, Created, Department, City| 
    Out-GridView -Title "The members of the group"  -PassThru

目前我可以搜索組,選擇它,然后我沒有得到所有成員。 只有一個,我想。 而且也只有一個用戶,因為它是 Get-ADuser。 誰能幫我?

或者也許在互聯網的某個地方有一個類似的 powershell 前端?

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity *group* | Out-GridView

這應該讓您獲得該組的所有成員。 我猜你可以從那里過濾它? :)

由於Get-ADGroupMember可以返回 3 種不同類型的 AD 對象,因此您不能對每個返回的對象盲目使用Get-ADUser


Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Searchbase "OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=int" |
          Select-Object @{Name = "Group"; Expression = {$_.Name}}, DistinguishedName | Sort-Object "Group"

# show the groups in a grid view and have the user select one item  
$selected = $groups | Out-GridView -Title "Select a group, then click OK" -PassThru

# if not cancelled
if ($selected) {
    # loop through the members of the selected group and capture the resulting objects in variable $result
    $result = foreach ($member in (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $selected.DistinguishedName -Recursive)) {
        $account = switch ($member.objectClass) {
            'user' { 
                # Get-ADUser by default returns these properties:
                # DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName
                Get-ADUser -Identity $member.DistinguishedName -Properties EmailAddress, EmployeeId, 
                                                                           OfficePhone, Created, Department, City
            'group' {
                # Get-ADGroup by default returns these properties:
                # DistinguishedName, GroupCategory, GroupScope, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID
                Get-ADGroup -Identity $member.DistinguishedName -Properties mail, Created |
                # rename the property 'mail' here
                Select-Object *, @{Name = 'EmailAddress'; Expression = {$_.mail}} -ExcludeProperty mail
            'computer' {
                # Get-ADComputer by default returns these properties:
                # DistinguishedName, DNSHostName, Enabled, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID,  UserPrincipalName
                Get-ADComputer -Identity $member.DistinguishedName -Properties Created
        # output an object with all properties you want in the grid view. Some will be empty though depending on the object type
        $account | Select-Object @{Name = 'Type'; Expression = {$member.objectClass}}, 
                                 Name, SamAccountName, EmailAddress, EmployeeId, OfficePhone, Created, Department, City
    # display the results
    $result | Sort-Object Type, Name | Out-GridView -Title "The members of group '$($selected.Name)'"


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