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[英]Why Isn't this Assembly Program Accepting Input?

我正在編寫一個程序,將 0-4096 之間的非負整數轉換為 3 位十六進制數。 問題是這個程序甚至不接受我的輸入。 我正在使用帶有自定義宏的 SASM32。 相反,它會溢出重復輸出消息並使用 0 作為我們的輸入。 此外,由於返回提示的默認值是“Y”,它會一直持續到崩潰。

include C:\Program Files (x86)\SASM\include\sasmacros.inc

inputmsg db 'Input decimal integer to convert:',0
outputmsg db 'in hexadecimal is:',0
reprompt_msg db 'Convert another integer? (Y/N):',0 
reprompt_char db 'N'

input_store dd 0
user_input dd 0

temp dd 0
remainder_store dd 0 

quotient dd 0 
remainder dd 0 
temp_remainder dd 0 

hexnumber dd 0 DUP(100)
output dd 1, 2, 3

;main loop control is positions and user_input 
;record each hex position as a character or digit(either one will be 0 or digit)
positions dd 0 
pos1 db '0'
pos2 db ' '
pos3 db ' '


;take number and divide it by 16 and at the remainder of it to the output
;divide -> check remainder (if n > 9) -> add hex number loop -> divide loop
; store the quotient for the next iteration of dividing
;  divide until our remainder or the result of our mod is == 0 

;for reprompt just compare if N - N == 0 is true

;if input is less than 15 then just return it 


    get_i user_input
    move user_input, input_store ; store our input before it is lost 
    ;might delete
    ;might delete
    br divide


    ;divide by 16
    move temp, user_input ; setting temp to the current input 
    idivi temp, 16
    move quotient, temp ;quotient = temp 
    move temp, user_input ;temp = input
    irem temp, 16 ; takes remainder of temp and saves it as temp
    move remainder, temp ;remainder = temp
    ;set our input = quotient 
    move user_input, quotient ; storing our input for next loop as quotient 
    br store_result

    compare user_input, 0 ;if our user_input is 0 (which becomes the quotient of the previous calculation), then finish
    bez return1           ; problem is that we would also hit this case if our input is 0
    ;check for 0
    compare remainder, 10
    bgez convert_to_upper_hex
    ;otherwise just store our remainder and loop again
    ;48 - remainder = character representation of remainder ASCII
    iadd positions, 1 ; increment positions 
    iadd remainder, 48 ; create ascii value 
    br figure_what_to_store

    ;converts digits 10-15 
    iadd positions, 1 ;have to increment still in this loop
    iadd remainder, 41 ;make it A-F using ASCII starting at 'A'
    br figure_what_to_store

    compare 1, positions
    bez store_pos_one

    compare 2, positions
    bez store_pos_two

    compare 3, positions
    bez store_pos_three

    move pos1, remainder ;move remainder into pos1
    br divide 

    move pos2, remainder 
    br divide 

    move pos3, remainder 
    br return1
    ;end loop here 

     put_i input_store
     put_str outputmsg
     ;update displaying integer
     compare positions, 1
     bez return_single
     compare positions, 2 
     bez return_double
     ;if we aren't displaying 1 or 2 digits, then we are displaying 3
     put_ch pos3
     put_ch pos2
     put_ch pos1
     ;check if more positions, if so bnz return
     br reprompt

    put_ch pos1
    br reprompt 
    put_ch pos2
    put_ch pos1
    br reprompt    
     put_str reprompt_msg 
     get_ch reprompt_char
     compare reprompt_char, 'Y' ;if N was entered 
     bez reprompt_flag
    ;also clear output 
    br start
end start 
move user_input, input_store ; store our input before it is lost ;divide by 16 move temp, user_input ; setting temp to the current input

move user_input, input_store ,我希望source -> destination ,但在
move temp, user_input它是destination <- source 不能同時...


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