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[英]Express pass req.body data into the Stripe route to pay

在我的快遞應用程序中,我有一條路線可以從 req.body 中的客戶端獲取蛋糕價格

 app.post("/data", (req, res) => { let price = req.body[0].price * 1000; console.log(`Cake price is: £${price}`); });


我有另一條路線,我想將這個可變價格從 req.body 傳遞給 Stripe 並向客戶收費。

 app.post("/create-checkout-session", async (req, res) => { const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ payment_method_types: ["card"], line_items: [ { price_data: { currency: "gbp", unit_amount: req.body[0].price, product_data: { name: "CakeItOrLeaveIt", // description: "", cake it or leave it description // images: [], cake it or leave it logo }, }, quantity: 1, }, ], mode: "payment", success_url: `http://localhost:4242/success.html`, cancel_url: `http://localhost:4242/cancel.html`, }); res.redirect(303, session.url); });

當我將 req.body[0].price 傳遞到我的 Stripe 路線時,我收到以下錯誤。

unit_amount: req.body[0].price, TypeError: 無法讀取未定義的屬性(讀取“價格”)


您是否將價格發送到客戶端的/create-checkout-session路由? 可能發生的情況是您將價格傳遞給客戶端的/data路由,但您沒有將價格傳遞給/create-checkout-session 如果不了解您如何將數據發送到 API,就很難判斷。

如果您想使用一個路由 - 例如/data路由,您可以將/create-checkout-session轉移到一個函數中並在/data路由中調用該函數並將價格作為參數傳遞給/create-checkout-session function

謝謝我能夠修改我的代碼以在 /create-checkout-session 路線中請求蛋糕價格

 app.post("/create-checkout-session", async (req, res) => { console.log(req.body[0].price * 1000); //this works and gets the cake price const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ payment_method_types: ["card"], line_items: [ { price_data: { currency: "gbp", unit_amount: req.body[0].price * 1000, //this errors with Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'price') product_data: { name: "CakeItOrLeaveIt", // description: "", cake it or leave it description // images: [], cake it or leave it logo }, }, quantity: 1, }, ], mode: "payment", success_url: `http://localhost:4242/success.html`, cancel_url: `http://localhost:4242/cancel.html`, }); res.redirect(303, session.url); });


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