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[英]TypeScript: in recursive type, extra props allowed to be assigned in object declaration only

當使用以下遞歸類型創建對象時,允許在創建對象時(但不是之后)以某種方式添加類型中不存在的額外鍵。 關於為什么會這樣的任何想法?

type WithChildProps<Props, ChildProps> = Props & { __childProps__: ChildProps };

type WrappedProps<Props extends Record<string, any>, WrapperPropsTuple extends any[]> = WrapperPropsTuple extends [infer ParentProps, ...infer ChildProps]
  ? ChildProps extends []
    ? WithChildProps<ParentProps, Props>
    : WithChildProps<ParentProps, WrappedProps<Props, ChildProps>>
  : string;

type ObjTuple = [
  { prop1: string },
  { prop2: string },
  { prop3: string },

type ObjProps = { mainProp: string };

type ObjWrappedProps = WrappedProps<ObjProps, ObjTuple>;

const obj: ObjWrappedProps = {
  prop1: 'allowed',
  __childProps__: {
    prop2: 'allowed',
    __childProps__: {
      prop3: 'allowed',
      extraProp: 'why is this allowed?', // Should error but doesn't
      __childProps__: {
          mainProp: 'allowed',
          extraProp: 'and this also?', // Should error but doesn't

// Errors as expected
obj.extraProp = 'expected error';
obj.__childProps__.__childProps__.extraProp = 'expected error';



type ObjTuple = [
  { prop1: string },
  { prop2: string },
  { prop3: string },

type ObjProps = { mainProp: string };

type Key = '__childProps__';

type Builder<
  Tuple extends any[],
  Level extends number[] = [],
  Result = {}> =
  Level['length'] extends Tuple['length']
  ? Result & ObjProps
  : Tuple[Level['length']] & {
    [Prop in Key]:
    Builder<Tuple, [...Level, 1], Result>

// ok
const test: Builder<ObjTuple> = {
  prop1: 'allowed',
  __childProps__: {
    prop2: 'allowed',
    __childProps__: {
      prop3: 'allowed',
      __childProps__: {
        mainProp: 'allowed',

const test2: Builder<ObjTuple> = {
  prop1: 'allowed',
  __childProps__: {
    prop22: 'allowed', // expected error
    __childProps__: {
      prop3: 'allowed',
      __childProps__: {
        mainProp: 'allowed',

const test3: Builder<ObjTuple> = {
  prop1: 'allowed',
  __childProps__: {
    prop2: 'allowed',
    __childProps__: {
      prop3: 'allowed',
      __childProps__: {
        mainProp2: 'allowed', // expected error


Builder - 僅迭代一個屬性__childProps__Level__childProps__度小於原始元組ObjTuple IF長度等於-返回Result合並ObjProps ,否則:合並prop從通過索引元組Tuple[Level['length']]通過遞歸迭代__childProps__

您可能已經注意到,我每次都將Level tuple 增加1


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