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僅當在另一個工作表中找不到匹配項時,VBA 才能復制一系列單元格

[英]VBA to copy a range of cells only if no match is found in another sheet









僅添加了 3.1 & Apple 和 4.2 & Lemon 行。 重復的 1.2 & Lemon 沒有額外的行。

我有這個,但它似乎無休止地運行,沒有任何東西被復制。 調試過程似乎結束了,但那是在按住 F8 之后......

Sub CopyToDash()

    Dim main As Worksheet
    Set main = Worksheets("Scenario Calc Table")

    Dim log As Worksheet
    Set log = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Scenario Dash")

    Dim searchRange As Range
    Set searchRange = log.Range("R2:R10") 'Helper Column

    Dim RowCount As Integer
    For RowCount = 1 To main.Range("M2:M10").Rows.Count
        Dim lookFor As String
        lookFor = main.Range("M2").Offset(RowCount - 1, 0).Value2 'Uses helper cells

        Dim dupe As Range
        Set dupe = searchRange.Find(lookFor, LookIn:=xlValues)

        Dim copyInfo As Range
        Set copyInfo = searchRange.Range("K2:L40").Offset(RowCount - 1, 0)

        Dim destination As Range
        If dupe Is Nothing Then
            Set destination = log.Range("O" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
            Set destination = dupe
        End If

        destination.Resize(ColumnSize:=copyInfo.Columns.Count).Value2 = copyInfo.Value2

End Sub

提前致謝 :)

Sub test()
  Dim c_sh1 As Range
  Dim c_sh2 As Range
  Dim count As Integer
  For Each c_sh1 In Range("B1", Range("b1").End(xlDown))
  count = 0
    For Each c_sh2 In Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1", Sheets("sheet2").Range("B1").End(xlDown))
      If c_sh1 & c_sh1.Offset(0, -1) = c_sh2 & c_sh2.Offset(0, -1) Then
        count = count + 1
      End If
    Next c_sh2
      If count = 0 Then
        Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) = c_sh1
        Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) = c_sh1.Offset(0, -1)
      End If
  Next c_sh1
End Sub

可能有更簡單的方法,但如果我明白你在嘗試什么,那么它應該可以工作。 下面有鏈接你可以檢查excel文件。



我創建了一個新的輔助列“ Helper Match ”,如圖所示並插入了公式


=IFERROR(MATCH([@[Helper Col]];tbDash4[Helper Col];0);"NO MATCH")

我認為評論很容易理解。 希望你喜歡!

Sub CopyToDash()
    ' Worksheets
    Dim wsCalc As Worksheet: Set wsCalc = Sheets("Scenario Calc Table")
    Dim wsDash As Worksheet: Set wsDash = Sheets("Scenario Dash")
    ' Tables
    Dim olCalc As ListObject: Set olCalc = wsCalc.ListObjects("tbCalc")
    Dim olDash As ListObject: Set olDash = wsDash.ListObjects("tbDash")

    ' Clear table filters
    If olCalc.AutoFilter.FilterMode Then olCalc.AutoFilter.ShowAllData
    If olDash.AutoFilter.FilterMode Then olDash.AutoFilter.ShowAllData
    ' Filter table
    Dim olCol As Long: olCol = olCalc.ListColumns("Helper Match").Index
    olCalc.Range.AutoFilter Field:=olCol, Criteria1:="NO MATCH"

    ' Check for visible rows
    Dim visibleRows As Long
    If olCalc.ListRows.Count > 0 Then
        On Error GoTo errNoRowsToBeCopied
        visibleRows = olCalc.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count
    End If
    ' Set source and destinagion ranges
    Dim srcRng As Range: Set srcRng = olCalc.DataBodyRange.Resize(, 2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    Dim dstRng As Range: Set dstRng = olDash.HeaderRowRange(olDash.Range.Rows.Count + 1, 1)
    ' Copy from Calc to Dash
    dstRng.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "No Rows To Be Copied To Dashboard"
End Sub


'Set copyInfo = searchRange.Range("K2:L40").Offset(RowCount - 1, 0)
Set copyInfo = main.Range("K2:L2").Offset(RowCount - 1, 0)

 'destination.Resize(ColumnSize:=copyInfo.Columns.Count).Value2 = copyInfo.Value2
 destination.Resize(1,ColumnSize:=copyInfo.Columns.Count).Value2 = copyInfo.Value2

'Set destination = dupe
Set destination = dupe.offset(0,-3)


Option Explicit
Sub CopyToDash1()

    Dim main As Worksheet, log As Worksheet
    Dim ar, v, lastrow As Long
    Dim r As Long, rLog As Long, n As Long
    With ThisWorkbook
        Set main = .Sheets("Scenario Calc Table")
        Set log = .Sheets("Scenario Dash")
    End With
    With log
        rLog = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "R").End(xlUp).Row ' helper
        ar = .Range("R2:R" & rLog)
    End With
    With main
        lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row ' helper
        For r = 2 To lastrow
            v = Application.Match(.Cells(r, "M"), ar, 0)
            If IsError(v) Then ' not found
                rLog = rLog + 1
                log.Cells(rLog, "O") = .Cells(r, "K")
                log.Cells(rLog, "P") = .Cells(r, "L")
                log.Cells(rLog, "R") = .Cells(r, "M")
                n = n + 1
                ar = log.Range("R2:R" & rLog)
            End If
    End With
    MsgBox n & " rows added"

End Sub


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