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[英]Why no compiler error for this closure function?

我正在閱讀 Marijn Haverbeke 的優秀著作“Eloquent JavaScript”。 https://eloquentjavascript.net/




function multiplier(factor) {
  return number => number * factor;

let twice = multiplier(2);
// → 10

理解閉包的工作原理已經夠難了,但是當您正在查看的示例將函數聲明與箭頭函數任意混合時 - 就像這個一樣 - 如果您不了解箭頭函數的工作原理,它會使理解變得更加困難。


 // `multipler` takes a factor as an argument function multiplier(factor) { // It returns a function that - when it's called - // accepts a number return function (number) { // And the return from that function // is the factor * number return number * factor; } } // So we call `multipler` with a factor and assign the // function it returns to our `twice` variable let twice = multiplier(2); // We can then call the function assigned // to `twice` with a number, and the resulting // return from that function will be factor * number console.log(twice(5));


 // We pass in a factor to the `multipler` function multiplier(factor) { // We return a function that accepts a number // and returns factor * number // (I've added parentheses around the number // parameter to clearly show it) return (number) => number * factor; } // So we call `multipler` with a factor and assign the // function it returns to our `twice` variable let twice = multiplier(2); // We can then call the function assigned // to `twice` with a number, and the resulting // return from that function will be factor * number console.log(twice(5));


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