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使用 R 中的柵格包為特定國家/地區的省份自定義顏色

[英]custom color for provinces in specific country using raster package in R



iran <- getData("GADM", country = "Iran", level = 1)
map <- fortify(iran)
map$id <- as.integer(map$id)
dat <- data.frame(id = 1:(length(iran@data$NAME_1)),
                  state = iran@data$NAME_1,
                  pr = c(530, -42, 1673, 75, 206, 544, 1490, 118, 75,
                         40, 105, 191, 111, 810, 609, 425, 418, 550, 40, 425, -54, -50,
                         16, 18, 133,425, -30, 241,63, 191,100))
dat <- dat %>% mutate(color_province = case_when(pr <= 50 ~ 'green',
                                                 pr > 150 ~ 'red',
                                                 TRUE ~ 'yellow'))

我想為每個省設置自定義顏色(使用 'dat' 數據框)如下:

> dat
   id                       state   pr color_province
1   1                      Alborz  530            red
2   2                     Ardebil  -42          green
3   3                     Bushehr 1673            red
4   4 Chahar Mahall and Bakhtiari   75         yellow
5   5             East Azarbaijan  206            red
6   6                     Esfahan  544            red
7   7                        Fars 1490            red
8   8                       Gilan  118         yellow
9   9                    Golestan   75         yellow
10 10                     Hamadan   40          green
11 11                   Hormozgan  105         yellow
12 12                        Ilam  191            red
13 13                      Kerman  111         yellow
14 14                  Kermanshah  810            red
15 15                   Khuzestan  609            red
16 16  Kohgiluyeh and Buyer Ahmad  425            red
17 17                   Kordestan  418            red
18 18                    Lorestan  550            red
19 19                     Markazi   40          green
20 20                  Mazandaran  425            red
21 21              North Khorasan  -54          green
22 22                      Qazvin  -50          green
23 23                         Qom   16          green
24 24             Razavi Khorasan   18          green
25 25                      Semnan  133         yellow
26 26      Sistan and Baluchestan  425            red
27 27              South Khorasan  -30          green
28 28                      Tehran  241            red
29 29             West Azarbaijan   63         yellow
30 30                        Yazd  191            red
31 31                      Zanjan  100         yellow

例如,'Ardebil' 省是綠色的,'Zanjan' 省是黃色的。 我使用“填充”參數來設置自定義顏色,這是我的嘗試:

map_df <- inner_join(map, dat, by = "id")
centers <- data.frame(gCentroid(iran, byid = TRUE))
centers$state <- dat$state
ggplot() +  
geom_map(data = map_df, map = map_df,
         aes(map_id = id, group = group, 
             x = long, y = lat,
             fill = as.factor(color_province))) +
geom_text(data = centers, aes(label = state, x = x, y = y), size = 3) +
coord_map() +
labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Iran Province") +
scale_fill_manual(values = list(yellow = 'yellow', red = 'red', green = 'green'))


但它不起作用。 根據“dat”數據框,“Ardebil”是“綠色”,但在地圖上是紅色的。 有一個更好的方法嗎?

既然你問了我,我就快速瀏覽了你的代碼。 你對id假設基本上是錯誤的。 當您使用fortify() ,您可能認為id是按正常順序分配的(例如,1 到 n)。 但事實並非如此。 只需運行unique(mymap$id) 你會明白我的意思。 那么解決方案是什么? 創建dat ,您需要rownames(iran@data) 一旦完成,你應該沒問題。 查看最終圖形。


iran <- getData("GADM", country = "Iran", level = 1)
mymap <- fortify(iran) # This is the hidden cause
mymap$id <- as.integer(mymap$id)

dat <- data.frame(id = rownames(iran@data), # This is what you needed.
                  state = iran@data$NAME_1,
                  pr = c(530,-42,1673,75,206,544,1490,118,75,
                         40,105,191,111,810, 609,425,418,550, 40, 425, -54,-50,
                         16, 18, 133,425, -30, 241,63, 191,100)) %>% 
       mutate(color_province = case_when(pr <= 50 ~ 'green',
                                         pr > 150 ~ 'red',
                                         TRUE ~ 'yellow'))

mydf <- inner_join(mymap, dat, by = "id")
centers <- data.frame(gCentroid(iran, byid = TRUE))
centers$state <- dat$state

ggplot() +
geom_map(data = mydf,
         map = mydf,
         aes(map_id = id, group = group,
             x = long, y = lat,
             fill = as.factor(color_province))) +
geom_text(data = centers,
          aes(label = state, x = x, y = y), size = 3) +
coord_map() +
labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Iran Province") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("green", "red", "yellow"),
                  name = "Province") 



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