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[英]Add variable to count consecutive months

我在 Postgres 數據庫中有一個查詢,它結合了客戶端訂閱。

我想添加一個名為“連續幾個月”的變量,但我不確定如何在 Postgres 中執行此操作。


客戶 產品 日期
1 2020-10-01
1 2020-11-01
2 2020-11-01
2 2020-12-01
1 2021-01-01
1 2021-02-01
2 2021-02-01


客戶 產品 日期 連續_月
1 2020-10-01 1
1 2020-11-01 2
2 2020-11-01 1
2 2020-12-01 2
1 2021-01-01 1
1 2021-02-01 2
2 2021-02-01 1


with A as (
    select *,
        date_part('year', dt) * 12 + date_part('month', dt)
            - date_part('year',  min(dt) over (partition by client, product)) * 12
            - date_part('month', min(dt) over (partition by client, product)) + 1 as n,
        row_number() over (partition by client, product order by dt) as rn
    from T
select *,
        over (partition by client, product, n - rn order by dt) as consecutive_months
from A;

看起來你自己遇到了一個 Gaps-And-Islands 類型的問題。



 select client, product, "Date" , row_number() over (partition by client, daterank order by "Date") as Consecutive_months from ( select "Date", client, product , dense_rank() over (partition by client order by "Date") + (DATE_PART('year', AGE(current_date, "Date"))*12 + DATE_PART('month', AGE(current_date, "Date"))) daterank from raw t ) q order by "Date", client
\n客戶 | 產品 | 日期 | 連續_月\n -----: |  :------ |  :--------- |  -----------------:\n      1 | 子 |  2020-10-01 |  1\n      1 | 子 |  2020-11-01 |  2\n      2 | 子 |  2020-11-01 |  1\n      2 | 子 |  2020-12-01 |  2\n      1 | 子 |  2021-01-01 |  1\n      1 | 子 |  2021-02-01 |  2\n      2 | 子 |  2021-02-01 |  1\n

db<> 在這里擺弄


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