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在另一個特征的特征實現中使用 const generic 會導致“不受約束的 const 參數”錯誤

[英]using const generic in implementation of trait for another trait causes "unconstrained const parameter" error

我正在嘗試實現一些抽象的線性代數特征和結構,作為我學習 rust 實踐的一部分。 在下面的代碼中,當我為 VectorDynamic< VectorAbstract<TValue>實現VectorDynamic<TValue>時沒有問題; 但是當我嘗試對VectorStatic<TValue, DIM_COUNT>執行相同操作時,我收到以下錯誤:

the const parameter `DIM_COUNT` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
unconstrained const parameter
note: expressions using a const parameter must map each value to a distinct output value
note: proving the result of expressions other than the parameter are unique is not supported


pub trait VectorAbstract<TValue: Scalar>: VectorSpaceElement + // a dozen std traits
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue;

pub trait VectorDynamic<TValue: Scalar>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    fn dim_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn from_list(arr: Vec<TValue>) -> Self;

pub trait VectorStatic<TValue: Scalar, const DIM_COUNT: usize>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    fn from_array(arr: [TValue; DIM_COUNT]) -> Self;

impl<TValue: Scalar, TVector: VectorDynamic<TValue>> VectorAbstract<TValue> for TVector {
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        // ... dot product body for dynamic vectors ...

impl<TValue: Scalar, const DIM_COUNT: usize, TVector: VectorStatic<TValue, DIM_COUNT>>
    VectorAbstract<TValue> for TVector
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        // ... dot product body for static vectors ...

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pub trait VectorStatic<TValue: Scalar>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    const DIM_COUNT: usize;
    fn from_array(arr: [TValue; Self::DIM_COUNT]) -> Self;
impl<TValue: Scalar, TVector: VectorStatic<TValue>> VectorAbstract<TValue> for TVector {
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        // ... dot product body for static vectors ...

但是我在聲明from_array function 時收到以下錯誤:

generic parameters may not be used in const operations  
cannot perform const operation using `Self`  
note: type parameters may not be used in const expressions  

注意:我希望在編譯時以某種方式獲得 DIM_COUNT,因此VectorStatic沒有fn dim_count()

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此外,當我完全刪除 VectorStatic 的實現時,我在另一個文件中收到另一個錯誤,其中我有一個Vector2結構並嘗試為此實現VectorStatic<TValue, 2>

pub struct Vector2<TValue: Scalar> {
    pub x: TValue,
    pub y: TValue,
impl<TValue: Scalar> VectorStatic<TValue, 2> for Vector2<TValue> {
    // ... implementation ...


the trait bound `math::algebra::vectors::vector2::Vector2<TValue>: math::algebra::abstractions::VectorDynamic<TValue>` is not satisfied
the trait `math::algebra::abstractions::VectorDynamic<TValue>` is not implemented for `math::algebra::vectors::vector2::Vector2<TValue>`

請注意,此 Vector2 結構根本不應該是VectorDynamic 這里肯定有一些我沒有清楚地理解的東西,也許 rust 認為我正在嘗試使每個VectorAbstract都成為VectorDynamic或類似的東西?

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impl<TValue: Scalar> VectorAbstract<TValue> for dyn VectorDynamic<TValue>
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        // ... dot product body for dynamic vectors ...
impl<TValue: Scalar, const DIM_COUNT: usize> VectorAbstract<TValue> for dyn VectorStatic<TValue, DIM_COUNT>
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        // ... dot product body for static vectors ...


the trait `math::algebra::abstractions::VectorDynamic/VectorStatic` cannot be made into an object


您的原始代碼的問題在於,不能保證類型TVector只會實現VectorStatic<TValue, 1>而不會實現VectorStatic<TValue, 2> ,這會導致VectorAbstract<TValue>的實現沖突。

更新 1 是 go 的方式,因為這樣一個類型不能多次實現VectorStatic 目前,這需要每晚lib.rs並在 lib.rs / main.rs的開頭添加#![feature(generic_const_exprs)]

下一個問題將是VectorAbstract<TValue>的 2 個impl -s。 同樣,沒有什么可以保證TVector不會同時實現VectorDynamic<TValue>VectorStatic<TValue> ,這會導致VectorAbstarct<TValue>的實現沖突。 據我所知,即使使用不穩定的功能也無法做到這一點。 最好的方法是使用包裝結構。

VectorStatic1 + VectorStaticWrapper1需要添加的功能,並且僅適用於夜間 rust 版本, VectorStatic2 + VectorStaticWrapper2工作穩定。


pub trait Scalar {}

pub trait VectorAbstract<TValue: Scalar>: 
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue;

pub trait VectorDynamic<TValue: Scalar>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    fn dim_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn from_list(arr: Vec<TValue>) -> Self;

pub trait VectorStatic1<TValue: Scalar>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    const DIM_COUNT: usize;
    fn from_array(arr: [TValue; Self::DIM_COUNT]) -> Self;

pub trait VectorStatic2<TValue: Scalar, const DIM_COUNT: usize>: VectorAbstract<TValue> {
    fn from_array(arr: [TValue; DIM_COUNT]) -> Self;

struct VectorDynamicWrapper<T>(T);
struct VectorStaticWrapper1<T>(T);
struct VectorStaticWrapper2<T, const DIM_COUNT: usize>(T);

impl<TValue: Scalar, TVector: VectorDynamic<TValue>> VectorAbstract<TValue> for VectorDynamicWrapper<TVector> {
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        let lhs = &lhs.0;
        let rhs = &rhs.0;

impl<TValue: Scalar, TVector: VectorStatic1<TValue>>
    VectorAbstract<TValue> for VectorStaticWrapper1<TVector>
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        let lhs = &lhs.0;
        let rhs = &rhs.0;
        let dim_count = TVector::DIM_COUNT;

impl<TValue: Scalar, const DIM_COUNT: usize, TVector: VectorStatic2<TValue, DIM_COUNT>>
    VectorAbstract<TValue> for VectorStaticWrapper2<TVector, DIM_COUNT>
    fn dot(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self) -> TValue {
        let lhs = &lhs.0;
        let rhs = &rhs.0;


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