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如何在訂閱中訪問 Flux 發出的值

[英]How to access value emitted by Flux in subscription

Flux發出的項目(在本例中為“Red”、“White”、“Blue”)被傳遞給外部服務調用。 我在returnValue中從外部服務獲取響應值。 我如何 map 將元素發送到外部服務並收到響應?

class FluxFromIterableAccessFlatMapValue implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

        Flux.just("Red", "White", "Blue").
                flatMap(colors -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
                    // > Call to external service made here.
                    return "Return value from external Service call.";
                .subscribe(returnValue ->
                        log.info("Need to access which element produced this response?" +
                                "Is it response for Red, White or Blue? " + returnValue));



Mono<Tuple2<String, String>> makeExternalCall(String color) {
     return Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
            // > Call to external service made here.
            return "Return value from external Service call for color: " + color;
        .map(response -> Tuples.of(color, response));
Flux.just("Red", "White", "Blue")
    .flatMap(this::makeExternalCall)//Flux<Tuple2<String, String>>
    .subscribe(returnValue -> log.info("Is it response for Red, White or Blue? " + returnValue));


Is it response for Red, White or Blue? [Red,Return value from external Service call for color:  Red]
Is it response for Red, White or Blue? [White,Return value from external Service call for color:  White]
Is it response for Red, White or Blue? [Blue,Return value from external Service call for color:  Blue]


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