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按回車鍵時如何調用 function?

[英]How can I call a function when I press the enter key?

我正在為我的網站制作密碼。 如何通過按回車鍵而不是按提交按鈕來檢查密碼是否正確? 幫助將不勝感激。

  function checkPassword() {
   var password = document.getElementById("passwordBox");
   var passwordText = password.value;
   if(passwordText == "password") {
    alert("you got it right");
    return true;
   alert("you got it wrong");
   return false;
 <p style="font-size: 30pt;">something</p>
 <p>Please enter the password to uh... something </p>
 <p>Password: <input id="passwordBox" type="password"/></p>
 <button onclick="return checkPassword();">



        function checkPassword() {
            var password = document.getElementById("passwordBox");
            var passwordText = password.value;
            if (passwordText == "password") {
            alert("you got it right");
            return true;
            alert("you got it wrong");
            return false;
        <p style="font-size: 30pt">something</p>
        <p>Please enter the password to uh... something</p>

        <form onsubmit="checkPassword()">
        <p>Password: <input id="passwordBox" type="password" /></p>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

將您的輸入和按鈕包裝在<form>標記中並使用提交偵聽器您不需要編寫 onclick 並逐個輸入,這將在代碼中大混亂,在按鈕元素 ise type="submit"這意味着它是form的一部分,如果您單擊輸入或按鈕,它將執行 function,我還刪除了 return truefalse因為它在代碼中沒有任何意義還閱讀了什么是e.preventDefult()

 const passInput = document.getElementById("passwordBox") const form = document.getElementById("form") form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault() var passwordText = passInput.value; if(passwordText == "password") { alert("you got it right"); }else alert("you got it wrong"); })
 <p style="font-size: 30pt;">something</p> <p>Please enter the password to uh... something </p> <form id="form"> <p>Password: <input id="passwordBox" type="password" /></p> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form>


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