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restAPI json 數組中的 Object 提取

[英]restAPI json array in Object extract

我收到一個錯誤: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException:無法反序列化類型的值`java.util.ArrayList<com.hatach.backend.models。

可能是因為我在 Main 中的ObjectMapper或 Entity 中的ArrayList<>期間的數據類型錯誤...我不知道如何 go 修復它,因為我似乎不明白錯誤具體在哪里,或者我是否應該 go關於它的不同方式(即:不在 main 中執行業務邏輯並創建一個 serviceImpl ,也許還有一個 dto package。

我想這個問題有兩個方面:(1)如何解決這個錯誤。 (2)關於在restAPIs中標記json數據的go的良好標准化最佳方法是什么,然后我們可以通過弄亂url對其進行排序。 即 localhost:8080/recipes?name=scrambledEggs

1) JSON 文件

    "recipes": [
        "name": "scrambledEggs",
        "ingredients": [
          "1 tsp oil",
          "2 eggs",
        "instructions": [
          "Beat eggs with salt",
          "Heat oil in pan",
          "Add eggs to pan when hot",
          "Gather eggs into curds, remove when cooked",
          "Salt to taste and enjoy"
        "name": "garlicPasta",
        "ingredients": [
          "500mL water",
          "100g spaghetti",
          "25mL olive oil",
          "4 cloves garlic",
        "instructions": [
          "Heat garlic in olive oil",
          "Boil water in pot",
          "Add pasta to boiling water",
          "Remove pasta from water and mix with garlic olive oil",
          "Salt to taste and enjoy"

2) 實體

public class RecipesInfo {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;

    private ArrayList<RecipesFile> recipes;

    //get + set

    public class RecipesFile {
        private String name;
        private ArrayList<String> ingredients;
        private ArrayList<String> instructions;

        //get + set

3) 主文件

ublic class ApiApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ApiApplication.class, args);

    CommandLineRunner runner(RecipesService recipesService) {
        return args -> {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            TypeReference<ArrayList<RecipesInfo>> typeReference = new TypeReference<ArrayList<RecipesInfo>>() {};
            InputStream inputStream =TypeReference.class.getResourceAsStream("/json/data.json");
            try {
                ArrayList<RecipesInfo> recipes = mapper.readValue(inputStream, typeReference);
                System.out.println("data saved: recipes");

            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("unable to save data: recipes");

JSON 應該包含一個數組或一個 JSON object。 在您的情況下,根據您的實體,您應該在recipes數組周圍添加大括號

    "recipes": [
        "name": "scrambledEggs",
        "ingredients": [
          "1 tsp oil",
          "2 eggs",
        "instructions": [
          "Beat eggs with salt",
          "Heat oil in pan",
          "Add eggs to pan when hot",
          "Gather eggs into curds, remove when cooked",
          "Salt to taste and enjoy"
        "name": "garlicPasta",
        "ingredients": [
          "500mL water",
          "100g spaghetti",
          "25mL olive oil",
          "4 cloves garlic",
        "instructions": [
          "Heat garlic in olive oil",
          "Boil water in pot",
          "Add pasta to boiling water",
          "Remove pasta from water and mix with garlic olive oil",
          "Salt to taste and enjoy"


RecipesInfo recipes = mapper.readValue(inputStream, RecipesInfo.class);

另外,我注意到您的內部RecipesFile class 不是static Object 映射器將無法創建RecipesFile class 的實例

public class RecipesInfo {

    public static class RecipesFile {
        private String name;
        private ArrayList<String> ingredients;
        private ArrayList<String> instructions;

        //get + set

關於第二個問題,可以查看下面的Stackoverflow 文章


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