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如何注入一個接口,該接口繼承自另一個在 Spring 中具有實現的接口

[英]How to inject an interface that inherits from another interface that has an implementation in Spring

我在我的應用程序的基礎設施 package 中有一個接口和實現。 在領域層,我想用另一個繼承自基礎設施接口的接口來訪問這個接口。 但是Spring無法識別這個接口對應的bean

基礎設施 package

    interface PushNotificationService {
       fun push(): Mono<Void>
    class PushNotificationServiceImpl() : PushNotificationService {
        override fun send(): Mono<Void> {
            //Call grpc to push notification

域 package

    //import PushNotificationService from the infrastructure package
    interface PushNotificationService: PushNotificationService
    class MessengerServiceImpl(
        @Autowired val pushNotificationService: PushNotificationService //I want to use the interface defined in my domain layer



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