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file_get_contents():假設應用程序/x-www-form-urlencoded 未指定內容類型

[英]file_get_contents(): Content-type not specified assuming application/x-www-form-urlencoded

我有一個 php 和 javascript 的項目...我有一個 API 來自相機的電話 Z2EC543BDE83A1A3ED7EB06766Z 代碼。 我使用 (file_get_contents) function 和發布請求:此代碼:

$value = $_POST['TakeNewPic'];

function Takepic(){
    $Parametrs = $value;
    $opts = array(
      "user" => "THETAYN10113693",
     "password" => "10113693",
     "name" => $Parametrs

  $post = json_encode($opts);              
$context  = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(

    'method' => "POST",
    'timeout' => 60,
    'content' => $post,
    'header'  => "Content-Type : application/json"


$url = '';//.$https_server;
$result = file_get_contents($url,false, $context);

echo json_encode($result);




注意:file_get_contents():內容類型未指定,假設 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 在第 63 行 C:\xampp7.3\htdocs\CameraTest\function.php

我通過從 Java 腳本文件調用 Ajax 將值發送到 php 文件,這是 ZD5238972 腳本文件75921381 中的代碼:

 function getCamInfo(value) { var body = "TakeNewPic=" + value; var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if(this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200){ var res = document.getElementById("parg"); res.innerHTML =this.responseText; } } req.open ( "POST", "post_req.php", true, ); req.setRequestHeader( "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); req.send(body); } document.getElementById("butt").onclick = function () { getCamInfo("camera.takePicture"); //console.log(AllInfo); }


Looking at the implementation (eg PHP 7.4.0 , PHP 8.1.0 ), it looks like the header won't be detected if there is a space between the header name and the colon. 這可能是一個錯誤,但很容易解決 - 而不是:

'header'  => "Content-Type : application/json"


'header'  => "Content-Type: application/json"

在 PHP 中編輯您的 header,將 Content-type 從application/json更改為application/x-www-form-urlencoded 所以你的代碼應該是:

'timeout' => 60,
'content' => $post,
'header'  => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


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