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[英]how to call another page function name in inquirer node js

我正在使用 nodejs 中的查詢器制作 CLI。


所以我必須一次又一次地編寫 Exit 來避免這個問題,我創建了一個Exit.js文件並將 Exit 代碼移到那里,這樣我就可以一次又一次地使用代碼。


 const executeQuery = require("../executeQuery"); function WantToExit() { inquirer.prompt([ { name: "moreQuery", type: "confirm", message: "Want to do anything else?", }, ]).then((answer) => { if (answer.moreQuery) return executeQuery(); }); } module.exports = WantToExit;

我的 executeQuery 代碼看起來像這樣


 const wantToExit = require("../Exit"); const Science = require("../Science"); function executetQuery() { inquirer.prompt([ { type: "list", name: "cmsType", message: " Select Subject Options ", default: false, choices: ["Science", "Maths", "English", "Exit"], }, ]).then((answers) => { if (answers.cmsType === "Science") { Science(); } else if (answers.cmsType === "Exit") { wantToExit(); } }); } module.exports = executetQuery;

當我 select 從executeQuery選項退出並按 Y選項時,我從Exit.js文件中收到此錯誤

if (answer.moreQuery) return executeQuery();
TypeError: executeQuery is not a function
at /home/admin/SchoolProject/src/Exit/index.js:13:36

這是一個循環依賴的場景。 A 需要 B,B 需要 A,以此類推。 要使其正常工作,您必須修改 module.exports。

在 Exit.js 文件中,將 module.exports=WantToExit 更改為module.exports.WantToExit = WantToExit並在 ExecuteQuery.js 文件中將其要求為const {WantToExit} =require('./Exit.js' )。

類似, module.exports.ExecuteQuery=ExecuteQuery和 require as const {ExecuteQuery} =require('./ExecuteQuery.js')

您的方法存在問題,因為它產生了模塊的循環依賴。 您在 ExecuteQuery.js 中有“必需”的 wantToExit,在 Exit.js 中有“必需”的 executetQuery()


我建議在 ExecuteQuery.js 中使用 while 循環作為主提示,並使用 boolean 標志來檢查用戶是否要退出。

const wantToExit = require("../Exit");
const Science = require("../Science");

function executetQuery() {

let toStop = false;

// use a while loop
while(!toStop) {
        type: "list",
        name: "cmsType",
        message: " Select Subject Options ",
        default: false,
        choices: ["Science", "Maths", "English", "Exit"],
    .then(async (answers) => {
      if (answers.cmsType === "Science") {
        // you can also set toStop = true here if you want to 
        // stop after first iteration

      } else if (answers.cmsType === "Exit") {
        // wantToExit() now returns a boolean flag
        toStop = await wantToExit();

module.exports = executetQuery;

你的 Exit.js 應該像

function WantToExit() {
        name: "moreQuery",
        type: "confirm",
        message: "Want to do anything else?",
    .then((answer) => {
      return !answer.moreQuery;

module.exports = WantToExit;

我的指導是學習 RXJS 並以某種方式觀察到這一點。

另外我認為 (yield* ) 可能在嚴格模式下工作不確定,我不想這樣做,因為這更像是一個建議和研究

生成器函數* 探索 ES6 © 2015 - 2018 Axel Rauschmayer (封面由 Fran Caye)

RXJS 導軌可觀察

const { Observable } = require("rxjs");

async function* wantToExit() {
    (yield* await inquirer
          name: "moreQuery",
          type: "confirm",
          message: "Want to do anything else?",
      .then(answer => answer.moreQuery)

const executeQuery = new Observable(subscriber => {

        type: "list",
        name: "cmsType",
        message: " Select Subject Options ",
        default: false,
        choices: ["Science", "Maths", "English", "Exit"],
    ]).then((answers) => {
      if (answers.cmsType === "Science") {
      } else if (answers.cmsType === "Exit") {
        let doWeExit = await wantToExit().next();
        if (doWeExit === ADD_SOMETHING_NO) {
            executeQuery.subscribe(userResponse => userResponse);
        } else {
            return false;

module.exports = { executeQuery };

在一個新的頁面上,你可以做到。 或者您可以在 function 聲明下直接使用它。 希望這對下一步有所幫助。

 const {executeQuery} = require('{INCLUDE YOUR FILEPATH}'); executeQuery.subscribe(userResponse => { if(userResponse === 'Science') science(); console.log(userResponse); });


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